Ever wonder why diets come with a 97% failure rate? Here's the answer: You have two halves to your brain! The logic centers, on the left, get it all perfectly. Eat right, exercise, maintain optimal weight. It's all so simple! For the left brain anyway. The right brain doesn't get it and even inverts or reverses the comprehension of the diet plan you are trying to complete. So you are left in a state of self-conflict that gives everyone that uncomfortable feeling when they are trying to diet. That state of anxiety is why most people quit dieting within two weeks of starting. Fascinating, huh?
The right brain, that is your right cerebral cortex, functions on a completely non-verbal level and it is often times called "unconscious" because it is mute, in the traditional language skills sense, at least. The right brain though, actually does speak, but in images, and often times this is the key to dieting success. The right brain also does not understand negatives. So you have to be extremely careful with your internal self-talk. Saying to yourself, "I don't want to be fat," says to your right brain, "I .... want to be fat." Scarey, isn't it?
The right brain also does not understand english, but messages are loosely translated as they go occasionally across your corpus callosum, the thin layer of connecting neural fibers that attach the left cerebral cortex to the right. The messages get misunderstood frequently because the left brain loves negatives, double negatives, and saying the opposite of what you really mean. New compliments in our society include, "that's sick, that's bad, and are you kidding me?" which are all negatives, reversed, and very confusing to your right brain.
So you have to learn dieting in images as well as in english. I have met many an obese person who can tell you exactly how to diet and how to be very successful at it. So why are they still obese? They are in constant conflict with their right brain and struggle and fail with the dieting process. Oprah Winfrey and Kirsty Alley are classic examples. They both can give expert advice on dieting, but are both very overweight. Kirsty has even been up to 228 pounds.
So what is the solution? First always speak to yourself in positive supportive words like, "This plan allows me to eat healthy and feel good," and "I like the steps I've taken to look and feel better, and yesterday I ate just perfectly." Sounds simplistic, but these phrases your right brain can understand clearly. Also, think in images. My favorite is the picture of the funnel. Emotional funneling is why most people overeat. Picture all your feelings of stress, boredom, anxiety, loneliness, and depression being funnelled into one emotion: Hunger! That's the problem. People think they are hungry because they are mislabeling their other emotions into the one they know how to manage; hunger, with food!
So use this new picture in your mind. Think of Arrows that go straight to their answer:
Tired=====>>>>>lay down and rest. Bored=====>>>>>Find something interesting to do. Lonely======>>>>>Call a family member or friend. This new image is already speaking to your right brain. It's already working for you! And when you stop funnelling > your emotions into one, you will become an extraordinary dieting success! Get the rest of the details from my book at:
http://www.lifeextensionbooks.net/Dr. Doug Ikeler