Sunday, July 26, 2009

Recommended Daily Allowances. Do you need them every day?

One of the great servants of the food industries' productive process is The Recommended Daily Allowances of certain vitamins and minerals. Do you really need your RDA of vitamin C or Calcium or Vitamin D? What happens if you don't get them? Well nothing actually, because you don't need your RDAs of every vitamin every day. The Recommended Daily Allowances of vitamins and minerals is based on deficiency syndromes that only occur after very prolonged deficiency of a vitamin. The one most people are familiar with is scurvy and it occurs if you go over a month and a half with no vitamin C at all.

All the RDAs are based on the concept that if you are getting your RDAs every day, then you can go forty five days without that vitamin or mineral and not get the disease. You won't get the disease either if you're getting a little of the vitamin along the way too. Just like the British Navy discovered when they started adding a little lime juice to their sailors diet on long voyages.

So without this pressure to eat everything you can every day to get your RDAs in, you may discover that dieting is a lot more easy. You are awash in nutrients. I wouldn't worry about ever getting a deficiency disease. Especially if you eat a variety of foods. The last recent case of scurvy was reported on a woman in England who ate nothing but peanut butter sandwiches and milk. She ate what is called a mono-diet and did eventually get scurvy. Few people eat the exact same things every day, so again deficiencies would be hard to produce.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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come away a better person because you bought a house lost in foreclosure by some unfortunate family and resell it for a twenty-two thousand dollar profit? What if you had instead helped the people to keep their house and refinance it into a better loan so they wouldn't have lost it in foreclosure?

When I chose to become a veterinarian, at age ten, I couldn't think of a better way to earn a living and do so much good on a day-to-day basis. I still feel that way, but I have chosen to change professions and work in human health care because I see a world full of agony. Misery seems to be the norm for the average person in our world. Happiness should be the norm. With all I know about human and animal medicine and behavior, I could no longer sit back and watch people suffer because, in turn, they are the ones who make animals suffer.

People are eating more. A lot more than they used to. This translates into a lot more animal suffering as the meat industry slaughters more animals for people to eat. The average person should be eating half what they are eating today. They would be far healthier if they did. Overeating is the scourge of our modern world. Is this the future we've always wanted?

The take home message on money then is how much do you want to earn and how do you want to make it? The wealth you want is determined by your mind and your will. Riches are a mixed bag of good and bad. I have also seen that when the good goes up, the bad goes up as well. I enjoyed life fully and travelled around the world when I was just a poor college student. I have also enjoyed life fully and traveled around the world as a rich five-hospital-owner veterinarian. You could then ask, "When was life better?" I would say when I was a poor student.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

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When my ex-wife and I use to travel the world together, it was almost not worth going. We would have to do a mountain of work to get everything ready for us to be gone two weeks. Then, when we got back from our vacation, everyone and everything would be busting loose, and we would end up having to hire and fire more people and undo the two weeks of disaster that occurred while we were gone. Our home phone would typically have about nineteen emergency call-me-as-soon-as-you-walk-in-the-door panic calls that would completely neutralize any relaxation that might have occurred on the trip.

When I was a college student I had no debts or mortgages to worry about either. After a trip overseas, I would have time to reminisce on the experience and how it broadened my horizons and changed my perspective on the world. With my vet hospitals, I would return to a pile of bills to be paid, and the stress of getting caught up again. So, wealth comes with a price. It was a price I chose to pay, but I do look back on it differently now. If you want to be wealthy, I say go for it. If you chose to live modestly, that is an equally wise choice. My advice to everyone about money is: "Earn more than you need and spend less than you earn." This is a formula you can never go wrong with.

As I write these last few pages for you, I feel the sadness of a departure. We have had a wondrous voyage together. We have shared a great secret and yet an amazing fact of life. You are built to last 150 years. This is a fact. How you spend those years is up to you. If you eat twice as much, you will age twice as fast, and only live to sixty or seventy. If you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, you will shorten your life even further. My mother only lived to sixty years old. She showed me pre-

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cisely what happens to you if you smoke cigarettes constantly and overeat every day. If she hadn't smoked at all and had eaten only 1200 calories per day, my mother would be alive and well today. She would be able to enjoy seeing my triplets and my older daughter, Ariel. She could enjoy staying in the castle I live in, as my father recently has. So much was lost in her life by two bad habits. It saddens me still.

So the third thing you want to be in life is wise. Again, healthy, wealthy, and wise. As I said before, I have never met anyone yet I consider to be wise. I am still waiting. Perhaps wisdom has gone away. Who has time to be wise when we are bombarded every year with 3,568 hours of media stimulation? How many people do you know who ponder their lives and philosophize about being? Who do you know who reads and studies great works of literature and takes time to think about and know the universe?

A real change for the worse has been cell phone technology. Now people never have a thought of their own. It never ceased to amaze me how many people would stand talking on their cell phones right in the middle of my office visits with them, while I was evaluating their cat. I always regarded a person yelling into their cell phone during a doctor's visit as nothing short of rude and inconsiderate. No one ever has to think again, too, as cell phones can show you movies, connect you to the internet, and let people call you wherever you are! It is a continuous mode stimulus-response device. Perfect for the unconscious automatons.

My hope is that people of intelligence on this earth will turn off the technology for five minutes and put forth their better efforts. That they see past the inane chatter of the moment and search for higher thoughts. Our patterns of

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thought have no ceiling. We can evolve higher and higher thoughts onto infinity. Look how far along we have come in just two thousand years! Man's greatest thoughts for transportation in the year 50 BC was a horse-drawn carriage. Compare those thoughts to the ideas of men who envisioned supersonic aircraft and rocket ships that took us into outer space. It seems we're lacking a long range plan, too. What is the destiny of America? What is the destiny of mankind? Our future is our thought. Will we cling to the misinformation of the past or embrace the thinking of a future that will embolden us all?

I want to say goodbye for now with a metaphor that we shared will all our clients who lost their pets. Life has many sad moments. For me, saying goodbye is always sad. As I said before though, to live well you must grieve well. Let your feelings out. Remember, this whole book is about your feelings. You are not hungry. You are just confusing your feelings of sadness, loneliness, and discomfort with hunger. Don't stuff your feelings down with food. Let your feelings out and appreciate what they are telling you. I look forward to one day meeting you personally, so that we can be together again....

"Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends, so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009 Celebrating 40th Anniversary of Man Landing On The Moon

When I was a boy in the sixties, the future was bright and technology had all the answers. How far have we come in these past forty years since Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon? Living longer is now a very real option through medical advancements and dietary techniques. Get on board for living dramatically longer with my book on Life Extension!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

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maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing, they miss someone very special to them whom they had to leave behind.
They run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks away into the distance. The bright eyes are intent, the eager body quivers. Suddenly, one breaks from the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster. You have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands caress the beloved head, and you look once more into those trusting eyes, so long gone from your life, but never once absent from your heart.
Then you cross The Rainbow Bridge together...."
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Emotional Funneling Cure

Dieting is so unsuccessful in most people because of a little known phenomenon called Emotional Funneling. This is the misperception in a person that makes them think they are hungry, when actually they are stressed, bored, anxious, tired, annoyed, lonely, or any of a myriad of other emotions. They funnel all their emotions into one: Hunger. The reality though is that most people never, or rarely, ever experience hunger. We eat so often and so much, that true hunger is essentially unknown in American society. Real hunger can be primarily detected by your stomach growling. Even then, you may not be actually hungry. It may be just your stomach reacting to it's daily cycle response of expecting food at a certain time of day.
The cure for emotional funneling is to remove the funnel and see straight lines to the end state you are trying to consciously or unconsciously achieve. If you are tired, lay down and relax. If you are bored, find something interesting to do. If you are lonely, call a friend or family member. The key is to feel your feelings and identify your real emotion and state, versus just letting your discomfort be funneled once again into the thought that you are hungry, because you're not!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life Extension Concepts Catching On!

I am pleased to see that the general concensus about Life Extension Technologies is catching on! I even saw recent media information about Slowing Your Metabolism to live longer. That is the very thesis of my book! So share this information with your friends, because we live in a new era. This is the twenty first century! We can chose how long we want to live. Lives over a hundred years are now the new norm.
Dr. Doug Ikeler  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!