cisely what happens to you if you smoke cigarettes constantly and overeat every day. If she hadn't smoked at all and had eaten only 1200 calories per day, my mother would be alive and well today. She would be able to enjoy seeing my triplets and my older daughter, Ariel. She could enjoy staying in the castle I live in, as my father recently has. So much was lost in her life by two bad habits. It saddens me still.
So the third thing you want to be in life is wise. Again, healthy, wealthy, and wise. As I said before, I have never met anyone yet I consider to be wise. I am still waiting. Perhaps wisdom has gone away. Who has time to be wise when we are bombarded every year with 3,568 hours of media stimulation? How many people do you know who ponder their lives and philosophize about being? Who do you know who reads and studies great works of literature and takes time to think about and know the universe?
A real change for the worse has been cell phone technology. Now people never have a thought of their own. It never ceased to amaze me how many people would stand talking on their cell phones right in the middle of my office visits with them, while I was evaluating their cat. I always regarded a person yelling into their cell phone during a doctor's visit as nothing short of rude and inconsiderate. No one ever has to think again, too, as cell phones can show you movies, connect you to the internet, and let people call you wherever you are! It is a continuous mode stimulus-response device. Perfect for the unconscious automatons.
My hope is that people of intelligence on this earth will turn off the technology for five minutes and put forth their better efforts. That they see past the inane chatter of the moment and search for higher thoughts. Our patterns of
Dr. Doug Ikeler http://www.lifeextensionbooks.net/
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