come away a better person because you bought a house lost in foreclosure by some unfortunate family and resell it for a twenty-two thousand dollar profit? What if you had instead helped the people to keep their house and refinance it into a better loan so they wouldn't have lost it in foreclosure?
When I chose to become a veterinarian, at age ten, I couldn't think of a better way to earn a living and do so much good on a day-to-day basis. I still feel that way, but I have chosen to change professions and work in human health care because I see a world full of agony. Misery seems to be the norm for the average person in our world. Happiness should be the norm. With all I know about human and animal medicine and behavior, I could no longer sit back and watch people suffer because, in turn, they are the ones who make animals suffer.
People are eating more. A lot more than they used to. This translates into a lot more animal suffering as the meat industry slaughters more animals for people to eat. The average person should be eating half what they are eating today. They would be far healthier if they did. Overeating is the scourge of our modern world. Is this the future we've always wanted?
The take home message on money then is how much do you want to earn and how do you want to make it? The wealth you want is determined by your mind and your will. Riches are a mixed bag of good and bad. I have also seen that when the good goes up, the bad goes up as well. I enjoyed life fully and travelled around the world when I was just a poor college student. I have also enjoyed life fully and traveled around the world as a rich five-hospital-owner veterinarian. You could then ask, "When was life better?" I would say when I was a poor student.
Dr. Doug Ikeler http://www.lifeextensionbooks.net/
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