Friday, November 20, 2009

Health Care Reform Or Insurance Reform?

The debate rages on about Health Care Reform. I guess the part that constantly disturbs me the most, is that this debate has nothing at all to do with health care. It is entirely about Insurance Reform and how to get more people being forced to buy more insurance from an already multi-trillion dollar a year industry!
Health Care itself is not even about health care. It is about disease treatment. There is not a single program the government offers, or the insurance companies offer that is in any way concerned with keeping you healthy. They are delighted that the American population is getting fatter and sicker by the day, and paying more and more each year to get medical services, which they need more and more each year. The spiral grows and the insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank!
Having gone to both veterinary college, and human medical college, I can tell you the one outstanding difference, was the price. Let me give you a few examples: Pet hospitalization overnight: about $20, human $2,000. Pet hysterectomy: about $250, human $25,000 Pet insurance per year: about $100, human $10,000. The list goes on and on with the notable feature being that all human medical costs are 100 times as much, for exactly the same thing!
If you made the price on human medical services the same as they are at a veterinary hospital, the human medical industry and the veterinary medical industry would be exactly the same size: twenty billion dollars a year in revenues. Medicare fraud alone is currently three times as large as the entire veterinary industry, which frankly delivers the most amazing services at the best prices on the planet.
Fifty years ago, a person might carry what was then called "Major Medical Insurance," which was for use if you got really sick and ended up in the hospital. Some people had it, but not very many. Also, fifty years ago, hospitals were mostly owned by Churches and Cities. Now they are all owned by Corporations. Which means they are now only concerned with profits. Your health is a far distant third or fourth concern to these corporations. See if they'll help you for free when you're really sick and can't afford it. The church owned hospitals use to.
The only real answer to this debate is that the government should offer free health care by opening up it's already free locations like the VA hospitals and medicare. If you don't want to buy health insurance, head down to the VA for care. Just like public schools are free, so should some version of medical care be.
It's a fool's game, and the insurance companies are trying to balloon a two trillion dollar a year industry into a ten trillion dollar a year industry. Don't think so? Wait and see what happens.

Monday, November 9, 2009

God's Speech To Adam

"We have made thee neither of heaven nor of earth,
Neither mortal nor immortal,
So that with freedom of choice and with honor,
As though the maker and molder of thyself,
Thou shalt have the power out of thy soul's judgment,
To be reborn into the higher forms, which are divine."
-----God's speech to Adam from Pico Della Mirandola's
Oration On The Dignity of Man-----

I just love this quotation as it speaks so powerfully on your
power to choose and create your own destiny!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Life Extension Page 159

are on a mission you rally your greatest resources and your greatest capabilities. You set the highest standards and lead the way. You exalt and engage every one around you. Your purpose is clear and your goals are exactly defined. This is when you are really living.
With my five Cat Hospitals, we were definitely on a mission. We were more than in business. We were out to prove something and elevate the standards of care for all cats that came into our lives. We weren't shy about it either. We let the world know we were the best and we were ready to show you. Just bring in your kitty and see.
At the level of mission, you really contribute too. We saved thousands of cats from "convenience killing" and found them new homes in our adoption centers versus just putting them to sleep for the convenience of their owners who were moving and couldn't keep their cat. We saved thousands of cat's lives by delivering a higher standard of medical care and through diagnostics to solve problems medically and behaviorally versus just watching the problem and hoping it would solve itself. We really contributed to the betterment of our patients. From fulfilling our mission, we all gained the wealth of an emotional pot of gold that we get to keep for the rest of our lives.
What could you do in your life to live at the level of mission? Do you have a mission? What mission could you take on? What exalted purpose would you like to actualize? Search your heart. We all have something of greatness to contribute. Maybe you have an invention you would like to bring to market. I have known many people with a great idea or invention that they never actualize because five thousand dollars stood in their way. Five thousand dollars is nothing. If you have to, get a part time job at night to save up an extra  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!