Friday, October 22, 2010

Our Virtual Organ And A Piece Of Knowledge Just Added To Google

It's rare to have a piece of knowledge that is not yet on Google! But here is one: I posted a question on FaceBook as to what organ is in our body, that has more cells in it than the rest of our body, but yet is not at all a part of our body, and is instead, a "Virtual Organ" within our bodies? The answer, which no one got, is Our Digestive Mass. That is, our digesting food, combined with the normal flora and bacteria in our intestines, that create a virtual organ for digesting our food for us. Interesting huh? Now that piece of information is on Google! Provided by me :) Also, to my FaceBook friends, I am no longer on FaceBook as my account was disabled. They don't tell you why, but it could have been for promoting my book, or having too many friends (1800) on Facebook too fast. Anyway, it was fun while it lasted.
Dr. Doug Ikeler


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