Friday, October 17, 2008

How To Live Longer

Life, life, wonderful life! It's all we have and we need to appreciate every moment of it! So how do we get more of it? Thus far, there is only one known method for dramatically extending life and living a lot healthier. That method is caloric restriction with optimal nutrition. Put in simpler terms, eat less and don't eat junk food. Most people somehow have gathered the limiting belief though that they can't eat less, because they think they will starve to death or something. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone can learn to eat less, eat right, and enjoy that type of life style. It doesn't happen in thirty seconds though, and so I guess since it requires something more than the attention of a commercial break, few people will be able to do it. I have been doing it for the past thirty years and I have seen wonderful results. People who meet me think I am in my mid-thirties and even wonder if I am old enough to be a good doctor. They are surprised to discover I am fifty years old. Exercise is another issue. I do not promote vigorous exercise daily. I believe in light exercise and an active lifestyle. A thirty minute walk is more than enough exercise each day and going shopping at the mall or playing a sport you enjoy is plenty of exercise too. The key is enjoy yourself and be active. Follow the methods in my book and you will live dramatically longer than you ever expected. People only expect to live around seventy five years today. That is half a life. People a hundred years ago only expected to live thirty to forty years. That is a quarter of a life. People who read my book and those in the future, will expect to live one hundred and fifty years, which is the full life we were born to live out in happiness and productivity. Live longer, it is all you can really achieve in life!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nature Versus Nuture, The Debate Continues

The nature versus nurture debate is an old one, and yet it has no entirely correct answer. Are we simply a product of the genes we were dealt at birth? Or do we have the capacity to go far beyond the potential of our genes. First, it should be noted that our genes define the limitations of our bodies, but those limitations have a huge parameter. We can be of average strength, or we can train and condition ourselves to lift five hundred pounds! We will never lift as much as a gorilla can though, because they are genetically built to be stronger. We can never be as strong as a draft horse or an elephant either, but we can certainly far exceed "average" human capabilities. The same goes with intelligence and human longevity. You can become educated to know as much as the smartest people on earth. A person of average intelligence can rise to above average intellectual capability simply through learning. I personally went through twelve years of college and feel I know quite a lot. In terms of longevity, you are genetically built to last one hundred and fifty years. You lose half those years by overeating and speeding up your metabolism. The current pandemic of obesity today is so prevalent, that nobody even notices it. A "Dancing With The Stars" contestant claimed "She is not fat". Looking at her, she clearly is. She has a big belly and big thighs. Maybe she thinks she isn't fat, but to those of us who know bariatrics, she is. So how do we train and condition ourselves to live to 150 years old? Simply buy my book and learn the methods I teach in it. It's the best investment in life on the market!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Breast Cancer Prevention even with BRCA1 and BRCA2

Breast cancer is entirely preventable. Studies show that the supposed "genes" for breast cancer are not a perfect determination for a woman getting breast cancer. Genes are simply bits of DNA information. There are no "Cancer Genes" in our bodies. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that can be present, but it is their interaction with the bodies' environment that creates cancer. We are each a "phenotype", which means we are the product of our genes and our environment. Comparable animal studies have shown that even when an animal has the "gene" for breast cancer, it only will get breast cancer under certain environmental conditions, namely hyper nutrition. These studies showed that the animals kept on a calorie correct diet did not develop breast cancer ninety five percent of the time, even though they all had the genes for breast cancer. Pretty amazing results, huh? That is why I teach you in my book how to eat a calorie correct diet. The modern surge of cancer in our society is a result of our overeating. Fat is a co-carcinogen and enhances the effects of other carcinogens. Bodies full of fat are just asking to develop cancer. So, if you are a woman, and you would prefer to not get breast cancer, buy my book today, and get on the path to preventing cancer in yourself. It really is possible.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, October 6, 2008

Free Book On Life Extension

Who wouldn't want to live longer? I guess people who are not happy in life would not want to extend their misery. Also, people who are unhealthy physically, may not want to exist for decades longer. This is where my book comes in. I teach you not only how to add years to your life, but also life to your years! After all, a great life is about being healthy, wealthy, and wise.
My book is free based on savings alone. I have seen that all tractor trailer trucks now have a fer ring on top of the truck that deflects air in an aerodynamic pattern up over the truck and above the trailer. This aerodynamic add-on must save a truck thousands of gallons per year in fuel costs. Thus, a trucker can't afford not to have one, especially if it pays for itself in the first year of operation alone. The trucker then enjoys cost savings for years to come after that. I remember when my father was on the school board and they purchased a water mist injector system for the school's furnace. It made the furnace burn ten percent more efficiently, and so it paid for itself in the first year. My father said our high school couldn't afford not to install it. The fuel heating cost savings were tremendous. The same formula works with my book. You are going to eat less as a result of applying it's principles, and therefore, you are going to save money on food. My conservative estimates are that the book pays for itself within the first month of you reading it. It also saves you a hundred thousand dollars over the three or more decades that it extends your life. In other words, you can't afford not to buy it! What a deal!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Free Book For Dieting

One of the wonderful gifts that comes with buying my book is that it is actually free! Free in the sense that it saves you money for the long term. When I owned five veterinary hospitals, I often coached my employees on how to save money on just food alone. They would typically spend five dollars on breakfast at McDonald's, five dollars on lunch at Burger King, and then ten to twenty dollars eating out at Applebees for dinner. That's thirty dollars a day on junk food! That also adds up to a thousand dollars a month for food alone and you're not even eating healthy! So I easily found ways to help them eat for half the price they had been eating at and eat much healthier at the same time. There is an old adage that few people know. It is "Quality Costs Less". Quality products and quality food are actually less expensive in the long run than something cheap is. This is counter-intuitive and few people get it, but it is a fact. The quality costs less principle applies to everything from cars to food to houses. If you buy my book today and apply it's principles to your life you will save one hundred thousand dollars or more over the next thirty years and you will be healthier too! Is there a better deal out there? I think not.
Buy today and begin saving your money, your health, and your life. My book is free within the first month of using it and it delivers savings for decades to come. My best wishes go out to you.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weight Loss Is A Cure For Arthritis

Arthritis in the knees is a common occurrence for people as they get older than forty. Younger people get knee arthritis if they exercise too heavily. My business attorney had to go in to have both his knees and his hips surgically replaced by the time he was sixty. He was a lifelong marathon runner. His example alone keeps me from running. Here's the reason arthritis occurs so commonly in our knees. The weight convergence of our bodies is four pounds to one at our knees. That means all your upper body mass is represented as four times the weight as it sits on your knee joints. Think of the weight of your car at four thousand pounds sitting on the ground side of its tires and the weight being a thousand pounds on each tire covering an area the size of your hand. So then, with every pound of weight you lose, you take four pounds of pressure off your knees. If that isn't bad enough, running triples the pressure on your knees. Each pounding jog puts three times the down force on your knees as walking does. That's a lot of force! No wonder our knees become arthritic! So give your knees a break and lose that weight! My book is the best instruction manual on how to lose weight painlessly, without hunger, and easily. I have used it's techniques to stay slim and trim my whole life. Get started today and avoid the deleterious changes that arthritis can bring to you. You need your knees. They are meant to last a lifetime!
Dr. Doug Ikeler  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!