Sunday, October 12, 2008

Breast Cancer Prevention even with BRCA1 and BRCA2

Breast cancer is entirely preventable. Studies show that the supposed "genes" for breast cancer are not a perfect determination for a woman getting breast cancer. Genes are simply bits of DNA information. There are no "Cancer Genes" in our bodies. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that can be present, but it is their interaction with the bodies' environment that creates cancer. We are each a "phenotype", which means we are the product of our genes and our environment. Comparable animal studies have shown that even when an animal has the "gene" for breast cancer, it only will get breast cancer under certain environmental conditions, namely hyper nutrition. These studies showed that the animals kept on a calorie correct diet did not develop breast cancer ninety five percent of the time, even though they all had the genes for breast cancer. Pretty amazing results, huh? That is why I teach you in my book how to eat a calorie correct diet. The modern surge of cancer in our society is a result of our overeating. Fat is a co-carcinogen and enhances the effects of other carcinogens. Bodies full of fat are just asking to develop cancer. So, if you are a woman, and you would prefer to not get breast cancer, buy my book today, and get on the path to preventing cancer in yourself. It really is possible.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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