One of the great servants of the food industries' productive process is The Recommended Daily Allowances of certain vitamins and minerals. Do you really need your RDA of vitamin C or Calcium or Vitamin D? What happens if you don't get them? Well nothing actually, because you don't need your RDAs of every vitamin every day. The Recommended Daily Allowances of vitamins and minerals is based on deficiency syndromes that only occur after very prolonged deficiency of a vitamin. The one most people are familiar with is scurvy and it occurs if you go over a month and a half with no vitamin C at all.
All the RDAs are based on the concept that if you are getting your RDAs every day, then you can go forty five days without that vitamin or mineral and not get the disease. You won't get the disease either if you're getting a little of the vitamin along the way too. Just like the British Navy discovered when they started adding a little lime juice to their sailors diet on long voyages.
So without this pressure to eat everything you can every day to get your RDAs in, you may discover that dieting is a lot more easy. You are awash in nutrients. I wouldn't worry about ever getting a deficiency disease. Especially if you eat a variety of foods. The last recent case of scurvy was reported on a woman in England who ate nothing but peanut butter sandwiches and milk. She ate what is called a mono-diet and did eventually get scurvy. Few people eat the exact same things every day, so again deficiencies would be hard to produce.
Dr. Doug Ikeler http://www.lifeextensionbooks.net/