My on going goals are to bring everyone the latest and most fun and interesting information on life extension technologies and techniques. I am also committed to being brutally honest about pills and snake oil products that claim life extension properties, but are more than likely bunk. Resveratrol is the latest of these products and I completely doubt it has any effect on making you live longer.
I want to note the passing this year of Dr. Roy Walford of http://www.walford.com/ who died at age 79 of ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease, and did not have a chance to realize his life extension goals of living well over one hundred. He, along with Dr. Clive McCay of Cornell University, produced the quantified data that showed life can be extended in all animal species by fifty to sixty percent through a caloric restriction with optimal nutrition diet. We honor all the contributions made by Dr. Walford.
Even as a college student, when I was living at Wilshire Animal Hospital and working for Dr. Ian Coster, I was practicing the CRON diet, which I started at age twenty. I have slowed my metabolism, and it's effects over the past thirty years have been dramatic. I feel sorry for my contemporaries as they are already seeing the deleterious effects of a lifetime of overeating and drinking alcohol and smoking. All they can do from here is try to slow these processes down.
Here's to the next One Hundred Posts on my blog! During that time I will be downloading more of my first life extension book, in reverse order, so it can be read entirely from this blog, and I will be soon publishing my next book, Life Extension II, to bring further depth and detail to this exciting technology of how to live dramatically longer!
Dr. Doug Ikeler http://www.lifeextensionbooks.net/
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