Heart attacks can be completely eliminated or drastically reduced in our lives. We need to think in terms of our coronary arteries and keeping them clear of fat. Fats store everywhere in our bodies and they like to follow the paths of least resistance. An open artery is a great place with little resistance for fat to accumulate in.
The now common triple bypass and quadruple bypass surgeries are something few people truly need to have done. If you are being told you need a cardiac bypass surgery, get a second opinion with a doctor that knows how to help you get on an ultra low fat diet. In a few weeks, your symptoms will disappear and your need for surgery will too.
Leanness is the secret to longevity. That is why I have a BMI calculator on this web site. The leaner you are the better. 20 is an ideal BMI. If you are below that you are either a model or someone who eats right every day.
Heart disease, cancer, stroke. Those are the three big killers of our day and surprisingly, all three are very preventable! Read more about this topic and learn of the technologies and techniques of real life extension in my book.
Dr. Doug Ikeler www.lifeextensionbooks.net
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