Saturday, August 30, 2008

Education Reform

Sarah Palin is truly the best choice John McCain could have made for a presidential running mate. The thing I like best about her is that for once, she is something other than another lying lawyer, who carries on lawyer politics in washington as usual. Sarah Palin is a journalist and has a television on air background that makes her comfortable in the media. She fights for justice in the right way, which is by exposing corruption and illegal acts, something the lying lawyers usually cover up, and she makes the law what it should be, the guidelines for good behavior in our society. I admit that I too had never heard of Sarah Palin before, after all, Alaska is a little remote from the rest of our country, but everything I learn about her makes me like her more.
With Barack Obama too, he has very little experience in leadership, and if he is going to do so much good in washington, why hasn't he done all that good already? He is already in Washington, as a senator, just like Hillary Clinton. What have these two lying layers been doing for the past years? Not much, is the answer. My personal opionion is that lawyers are the scum of the earth. They have this reputation for good reason. They earned it! So I applaude John McCains choice for Vice President, and I'm thrilled to have Sarah Palin on the ticket! The education reform they will bring to Washington is that right means right and not some new lie like Bill Clinton dished out at every turn, justifying his lies by asking, "What is your definition of is?", nice Lie Bill, but that's right, you're a lawyer. The real education reform I am looking for is the day the public learns of my life extension technologies. That we can live for 150 years and that the diseases of our day are just diseases of lifestyle, which are easily changed. This would be true education reform. My goal is for everyone to have a copy of my book in their hands, so they have the knowledge to live a long, healthy, and prosperous life. My best wishes go out to you.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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