Friday, August 22, 2008

Save A Life

Save a life. It could be your own! So many people die so young these days. The problem is our level of expectation is too low. We think a person dying at fifty eight or sixty five is within the realm of normal. In fact, that's less than half a life! A story was on the news tonight about one of their producers dying at age 53. Leroy Sievers had colon cancer and went fast because of it. There was no mention of his obesity though and no one spoke of how he could have prevented this cancer by eating right and staying at or below his ideal weight. Colon cancer is common in obese people and it occurs frequently with a high fat diet. There was no mention of that fact on the news.
Unfortunately, we live in a misinformation age. What we know is probably something between wrong and inadequate. Common sense is just the tidal flow of misinformation. I did once hear Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes say that a famous newsman died because he smoked, and it was stupid to smoke and his life was lost needlessly. He was talking about Harry Reasoner. Peter Jennings also died of cancer from smoking and he went fast. He resumed smoking after the 9/11 incident as his stress levels increased. He should have just dealt with the stress and kept his health. Reading my book will help you save a life. Maybe you can pass on it's wisdom to save other lives too. If you practice the methods in my book, you will be virtually cancer proof your whole life. What a wonderful place to be.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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