Sunday, August 10, 2008

Slow Metabolism or Fast Metabolism?

The problem with weight loss is that many people believe they have a slow metabolism. The truth is, most people have a fast metabolism. Especially over weight and obese people. This is why fat people are always sweating and get overheated with even the slightest exertion. The resting metabolism of an obese person can be twice that of an ideal weight person. A normal weight person burns one hundred calories per mile when they are walking. An obese person burns two hundred calories per mile. The same goes with sedentary tasks. Even sitting and watching television can cost a heavy person twice as many calories as a slim one. The thesis of my book is I can show you how to slow your metabolism. This is what you want. A slow metabolism creates a long life. The giant turtles of the galapagos islands live to 150, just like we are made to, but do you see them doing two hours of cardio workout per day, and eating more to speed up their metabolism? Of course not. Unfortunately, we are "sold" on this popular idea of keeping your metabolic rate high, by the 24 hour fitness gyms and we are told more and more calories need to be "burned" versus not used at all, which is what true life extension is all about.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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