Friday, September 26, 2008

Dieting Success And The Bimodal Mind

What makes for a successful dieter? Only three percent, three in a hundred, ever lose weight and keep it off after starting a diet. There is clearly a reason these people succeed where everyone else is failing! The answer is in our bimodal mind. The two halves of our brain function similarly, though in many ways, very differently. The left half of our brain has language and can understand negatives. The right side has only symbolic language and cannot understand any negatives. In fact, it functions only on positives! Positive intent, I have heard though that the road to hell is paved with positive intent. So it is clearly not enough. The left brain understands math and analysis. Our right brain does not understand math and thinks in terms of global impressions versus linear analysis. So clearly there can be great conflict within ourselves when trying to determine what to do in any given situation. Eat the ice cream sundae or stay on a healthy eating pattern? Go to the movies or do your homework and get an A? Stay in a relationship or get out now while the going is good? These are the mutual opposites that we are confronted with daily. So how do we overcome these conflicting impulses? The answer is in aligning our bimodal minds. You have to buy my book to get the answer on how to do that, because I am here to sell books and help people live dramatically longer. The book is actually free though if you just add up your food expenditure savings within the first month. One month, Free Book, Thirty to Fifty years longer life! I would say buy it today! Once your brain is aligned, the dieting becomes effortless because you are no longer in a state of self conflict. You do the right things and eat the right way because no part of you is saying to do otherwise. Doesn't that sound wonderful? It is, and this is why some people succeed so effortlessly at dieting and others never succeed and only end up gaining weight after they try to diet for a few weeks. The key is a book order away....
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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