Sunday, September 14, 2008

How To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a huge fear for our health. It is insidious, which means it comes on unnoticed. It is oftentimes untreatable, spelling the end and no cure. And it is surprisingly preventable. Most people think cancer just happens to them. Actually, most people bring cancer upon themselves. Our greatest cause of cancer is obesity. With ever increasing body masses, we are seeing an accompanying rise is the rates of cancer. So what can a person do to prevent themselves from getting cancer? Several things. First, study the methods in my book. Dieting is not simple and you need the right information to accomplish it successfully. With eating correctly, orthorexia, you will dramatically reduce your chances for cancer. Laboratory studies have been done that showed when mice even had the genes for cancer, their rates of cancer were reduced by ninety five percent when they were kept on a calorie correct diet. Their overfed lab mates got the cancer. Cancer is the overgrowth of cells. Cells need excess energy and the accompanying hormones that stimulate them to grow to become cancer. All of our two hundred different cell types can become cancerous. Two hundred different types of cancer. That is something to worry about! Beyond eating right and maintaining ideal body weight, you need to avoid the common carcinogens. Alcohol is the biggest one. Alcohol turns into acetaldehyde in your liver and this is the chemical they use to tan leather. Do you want your insides turned into leather? Or worse yet, alcohol denatures your proteins. Protein is what we are made of. Denaturing it is the quickest way to damage your body. I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in over twenty five years. I have only had about five in my whole lifetime. Fried food is also to be avoided. It is full of free radicals from the frying of fat and these free radicals oxidize your cellular components. We are made of one hundred trillion cells. Each one is like a little piece of jelly. Together they are strong, but think in terms of taking good care of each one of them. Cancer is preventable!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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