Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fasting Is A Cure For Cancer

The art of fasting is almost unknown in our modern society. It use to be common among the ancients for cleansing, spirituality, and health. Now, no one even skips a meal or eats less. There is a unique function in fasting though, it kills cancer. When you eat less, as I describe in my book, your macrophages and other immune cells stop filling up on serum globular fat and they go looking for bacteria and senescent and irregular cells to feed on. Cancer cells stand out as irregular and they are no match for our giant macrophages, which literally means "Big Eater". Each of us generates a few cancer cells each year. The outcome of those cells in your body depends on your general health. If your immune system is healthy, you cure yourself of cancer. If you are unhealthy, your cancer cures you, of life. When I was a young man, I learned from the first veterinarian I worked for that about ten percent of all cancers "spontaneously remit", that means they cure themselves. What then is the mechanism of this cure? It's your immune system! Quack cures for cancer surround the phenomenon of spontaneous remission. Somebody eats ground up peach pits and gets over their cancer and they think the peach pits cured them. It was actually their immune system. Eating fat makes you fat and it also interferes with healthy immune function. I recommend an ultralow fat diet of less than ten percent of calories in your diet coming from fat. Fantastic cures and health already wait within us. Buy my book and learn of the amazing capacity of your body and it's potential to keep you here for one hundred and fifty years!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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