Monday, December 1, 2008

Be Proactive. You are The Creator.

Are you living by design or default? Asked a different way, have you created the life you have totally dreamed of, or are you living out a dreary existence that is nothing like you thought life would be as a child? Many people find this question hard to answer, and the people with the most dreary lives are the ones who more commonly say they are living by design. Isn't that strange? They are probably so ashamed to admit that working as a cleaning lady or managing a McDonald's at age forty nine is so far afield from what they should have done with their lives that they can't even admit they are living a life of default. Default is a bad place to be. It means you did not have a plan for your life or a future compelling enough to make you aspire to noble greatness within your working years. I have told many people along the way, "If you don't have a plan for your life, someone else does". How many people in corporate America are charting the course and designing the future. The answer is sadly few are. The guy at the top might be, but the masses below are only following along and "doing their job". I am not proposing a revolution or a walkout on the good jobs that keep us all alive. I am merely suggesting that each of you take a look at your life and start shaping it so that your are "Living The Dream". For health and fitness, I spend an entire chapter of my book showing you how to Design For Yourself A Compelling Future. Without the most exciting events and experiences waiting for you on the horizon, you are condemned to live out a life of default. Sad but true. Today is your chance to be different. Today is your chance to squeeze more juice out of life. With my book, you will be someone others look to for inspiration. Be the star. Give others hope. You're the one. Be it!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Tainted Lens of Perception

We all think we know the answers to everything, but do we? Our perceptions are so skewed and prepatterned that we pre-see everything before we even take a look at it. Which begs the question, can we ever be objective about anything? True objectivity is a rare beast. This is the very core of a good research scientist. A person from a good childhood sees life as good and has the capacity to give to others and contribute to society. A person from a bad childhood cannot give to others because they never had anything given to them. They don't know that pattern. Also, people who are overweight and obese cannot "see" that they are doing tremendous harm to their health and happiness by continuing to overeat. They also don't know how to eat right because of the patterning they were given early in childhood. I still personally remember asking my parents to take us to McDonald's and thinking that was quite a treat and special occasion to be able to eat there. In high school too, I was in McDonald's All American Band and got a card that let me eat at McDonald's for free for a year. That was special too. Now though, I never eat at McDonald's because I know how deleterious the food is and how artery-clogging their menu can be. It took some powerful new knowledge to over-ride the old behavioral patterns I had about it being fun and special to eat at McDonald's. The same goes with life extension, until you have the powerful new knowledge that is contained in my book, you simply do not "know" that living dramatically longer is easily within your reach. Take a moment to examine your paradigms, and examine your knowledge and conditioned patterns of thinking, and see if you can't at least be open to new ideas for a moment. New ideas that could extend your lifespan by fifty years or longer. We live in an incredible age, but the speed of learning is the new competitive advantage. Without faster and deeper learning, you are left in the dustbin of life, doomed to live out the poorest patterns of behavior that you were chanced to have put upon you in your life so far.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Covey Principle

Having just gotten a new copy of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, I felt compelled to read it again, though I have read it twice years ago. On page 11, he says something profound. He says we should get away from the cultural norms of maintaining lifestyle ( I assume that means The American Lifestyle of overeating, drinking, and smoking ) and using drugs and surgery to treat our health problems, and that we should instead live a principle centered life that prevents diseases and problems and aligns our lifestyle with universally accepted principles of health. I couldn't have said it better myself! This is what my book is all about. Doing it right. Living healthy. Making a Life Extension Lifestyle your lifestyle. It all comes down to choice. Do you want to live longer or not? If you say not, then I say your have not designed for yourself a compelling future. For if your future was compelling, you would never want your life to end. Sounds pretty obvious, but you would be amazed at how new that information is to many people. So check out my book, and apply it's principles. It covers more than eating right. It also tells you how to design a future that brings you daily happiness and fulfillment. That's what it's all about. Living more and living longer.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Friday, October 17, 2008

How To Live Longer

Life, life, wonderful life! It's all we have and we need to appreciate every moment of it! So how do we get more of it? Thus far, there is only one known method for dramatically extending life and living a lot healthier. That method is caloric restriction with optimal nutrition. Put in simpler terms, eat less and don't eat junk food. Most people somehow have gathered the limiting belief though that they can't eat less, because they think they will starve to death or something. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone can learn to eat less, eat right, and enjoy that type of life style. It doesn't happen in thirty seconds though, and so I guess since it requires something more than the attention of a commercial break, few people will be able to do it. I have been doing it for the past thirty years and I have seen wonderful results. People who meet me think I am in my mid-thirties and even wonder if I am old enough to be a good doctor. They are surprised to discover I am fifty years old. Exercise is another issue. I do not promote vigorous exercise daily. I believe in light exercise and an active lifestyle. A thirty minute walk is more than enough exercise each day and going shopping at the mall or playing a sport you enjoy is plenty of exercise too. The key is enjoy yourself and be active. Follow the methods in my book and you will live dramatically longer than you ever expected. People only expect to live around seventy five years today. That is half a life. People a hundred years ago only expected to live thirty to forty years. That is a quarter of a life. People who read my book and those in the future, will expect to live one hundred and fifty years, which is the full life we were born to live out in happiness and productivity. Live longer, it is all you can really achieve in life!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nature Versus Nuture, The Debate Continues

The nature versus nurture debate is an old one, and yet it has no entirely correct answer. Are we simply a product of the genes we were dealt at birth? Or do we have the capacity to go far beyond the potential of our genes. First, it should be noted that our genes define the limitations of our bodies, but those limitations have a huge parameter. We can be of average strength, or we can train and condition ourselves to lift five hundred pounds! We will never lift as much as a gorilla can though, because they are genetically built to be stronger. We can never be as strong as a draft horse or an elephant either, but we can certainly far exceed "average" human capabilities. The same goes with intelligence and human longevity. You can become educated to know as much as the smartest people on earth. A person of average intelligence can rise to above average intellectual capability simply through learning. I personally went through twelve years of college and feel I know quite a lot. In terms of longevity, you are genetically built to last one hundred and fifty years. You lose half those years by overeating and speeding up your metabolism. The current pandemic of obesity today is so prevalent, that nobody even notices it. A "Dancing With The Stars" contestant claimed "She is not fat". Looking at her, she clearly is. She has a big belly and big thighs. Maybe she thinks she isn't fat, but to those of us who know bariatrics, she is. So how do we train and condition ourselves to live to 150 years old? Simply buy my book and learn the methods I teach in it. It's the best investment in life on the market!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Breast Cancer Prevention even with BRCA1 and BRCA2

Breast cancer is entirely preventable. Studies show that the supposed "genes" for breast cancer are not a perfect determination for a woman getting breast cancer. Genes are simply bits of DNA information. There are no "Cancer Genes" in our bodies. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes that can be present, but it is their interaction with the bodies' environment that creates cancer. We are each a "phenotype", which means we are the product of our genes and our environment. Comparable animal studies have shown that even when an animal has the "gene" for breast cancer, it only will get breast cancer under certain environmental conditions, namely hyper nutrition. These studies showed that the animals kept on a calorie correct diet did not develop breast cancer ninety five percent of the time, even though they all had the genes for breast cancer. Pretty amazing results, huh? That is why I teach you in my book how to eat a calorie correct diet. The modern surge of cancer in our society is a result of our overeating. Fat is a co-carcinogen and enhances the effects of other carcinogens. Bodies full of fat are just asking to develop cancer. So, if you are a woman, and you would prefer to not get breast cancer, buy my book today, and get on the path to preventing cancer in yourself. It really is possible.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, October 6, 2008

Free Book On Life Extension

Who wouldn't want to live longer? I guess people who are not happy in life would not want to extend their misery. Also, people who are unhealthy physically, may not want to exist for decades longer. This is where my book comes in. I teach you not only how to add years to your life, but also life to your years! After all, a great life is about being healthy, wealthy, and wise.
My book is free based on savings alone. I have seen that all tractor trailer trucks now have a fer ring on top of the truck that deflects air in an aerodynamic pattern up over the truck and above the trailer. This aerodynamic add-on must save a truck thousands of gallons per year in fuel costs. Thus, a trucker can't afford not to have one, especially if it pays for itself in the first year of operation alone. The trucker then enjoys cost savings for years to come after that. I remember when my father was on the school board and they purchased a water mist injector system for the school's furnace. It made the furnace burn ten percent more efficiently, and so it paid for itself in the first year. My father said our high school couldn't afford not to install it. The fuel heating cost savings were tremendous. The same formula works with my book. You are going to eat less as a result of applying it's principles, and therefore, you are going to save money on food. My conservative estimates are that the book pays for itself within the first month of you reading it. It also saves you a hundred thousand dollars over the three or more decades that it extends your life. In other words, you can't afford not to buy it! What a deal!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Free Book For Dieting

One of the wonderful gifts that comes with buying my book is that it is actually free! Free in the sense that it saves you money for the long term. When I owned five veterinary hospitals, I often coached my employees on how to save money on just food alone. They would typically spend five dollars on breakfast at McDonald's, five dollars on lunch at Burger King, and then ten to twenty dollars eating out at Applebees for dinner. That's thirty dollars a day on junk food! That also adds up to a thousand dollars a month for food alone and you're not even eating healthy! So I easily found ways to help them eat for half the price they had been eating at and eat much healthier at the same time. There is an old adage that few people know. It is "Quality Costs Less". Quality products and quality food are actually less expensive in the long run than something cheap is. This is counter-intuitive and few people get it, but it is a fact. The quality costs less principle applies to everything from cars to food to houses. If you buy my book today and apply it's principles to your life you will save one hundred thousand dollars or more over the next thirty years and you will be healthier too! Is there a better deal out there? I think not.
Buy today and begin saving your money, your health, and your life. My book is free within the first month of using it and it delivers savings for decades to come. My best wishes go out to you.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weight Loss Is A Cure For Arthritis

Arthritis in the knees is a common occurrence for people as they get older than forty. Younger people get knee arthritis if they exercise too heavily. My business attorney had to go in to have both his knees and his hips surgically replaced by the time he was sixty. He was a lifelong marathon runner. His example alone keeps me from running. Here's the reason arthritis occurs so commonly in our knees. The weight convergence of our bodies is four pounds to one at our knees. That means all your upper body mass is represented as four times the weight as it sits on your knee joints. Think of the weight of your car at four thousand pounds sitting on the ground side of its tires and the weight being a thousand pounds on each tire covering an area the size of your hand. So then, with every pound of weight you lose, you take four pounds of pressure off your knees. If that isn't bad enough, running triples the pressure on your knees. Each pounding jog puts three times the down force on your knees as walking does. That's a lot of force! No wonder our knees become arthritic! So give your knees a break and lose that weight! My book is the best instruction manual on how to lose weight painlessly, without hunger, and easily. I have used it's techniques to stay slim and trim my whole life. Get started today and avoid the deleterious changes that arthritis can bring to you. You need your knees. They are meant to last a lifetime!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, September 29, 2008

How Long Can We Live?

To answer the question, "How long can we live?", we need to put it into perspective. In seconds, you could possibly live for five billion of them. This is roughly comparable to the number of bits of information in our genetic code, which is thought to contain five billion bits of information. In minutes, you can expect to live about eighty million of them. The popular song from the Broadway show "Rent", tells how there are 525,600 minutes in a year. That's a lot of minutes. In hours, you can expect to live about a million of them, maybe even a million and a half. That is a lot of hours, considering it takes about ten thousand hours to master a subject, like becoming a veterinarian, or an expert golfer, but that still leaves nine hundred and ninety thousand hours to have fun with. In days, we are built to live for fifty five thousand days. To put that into perspective, if you read one page a day in a modestly sized book of two hundred pages, it would take you two hundred and seventy five books to span your lifetime. Most people don't even read a hundred books in their lifetime, so you have plenty of time for reading. Remember, leaders are readers, and you can't ever know too much. Michael Faraday achieved scientific prominence because he was not happy with just being a printing assistant. He self educated himself to the point of being one of histories greatest scientists. And finally, in years, we are built to last for one hundred fifty years. That is an incredibly long lifespan. Think of all that you could accomplish in a hundred and fifty years! Design for yourself a compelling future and create a masterpiece out of your life. You only get one, so live it to the fullest! My book can tell you how!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Saturday, September 27, 2008

More People Who Could Benefit From The Book Life Extension

More people who could benefit from my book on Life Extension include: Thea Burch, Nick Coffin, Lenny Jonas, Tom Klinger, Bob McDevitt, Al Warner, Jerry Springer, Pat Benater, David Lee Roth, Chrissy Steele, Todd Kibbee, Pat Paulson, Richard Thoresen, Elizabeth Thoresen, Vernon Starr, Andrew Kaufman, John Davis, Steve Davis, Elliott Davis, Martin Mull, Steve Smith, Linda Goodman, Pam Rottman, Sarah McMackin, Ronald McDonald, Josh Anderson, Tom Wilton, Luey Armstrong, Patti Smythe, Cher, Madonna, Ricki Lee Jones, Terri Fisk, Carlton Fisk, Babe Ruth, Michael Faraday, Emily Lamothe, Gary White, Larry Toth, Steve Stoddard, Patricia Coster, Jeffrey Coster, Matthew Priddy, Nicholas Coster, Candice Coster, Peggy Ann Garner, Bea Arthur, Steve Saunders, Christine Chang, Issac Tucker Burr, Carl Sagan, Nick Sagan, Nick Lyle, Mike Kiley, Debbie Hunter, Tim Gowen, Karen Gowen, Marcia Finley, Jean Wasson, Kristin Walker, Tehlina Hinson, Allison Meyers, Mona Lisa, Lisa Bell, Lori Bell, Mick Jagger, Elton John, Ryan Starr, Paul Davies, Richard Dawkins, Eric Chung, Dick Clark, Richard Clark, Punky Meadows, Pink, Durk Pearson, Sandy Shaw, Tiffany Million, Doug Dirks, Sarah Palin, Katie Couric, Paris Hilton, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Selleck, Connie Seleca, John Tesh, Richard Burton, Allison Titus, Alfred Ikeler, Santa Claus, Tipper Gore, Al Gore, I Robot, Billy Mumy, Danny Bonaduce, David Cassidy, Elizabeth Taylor, Gene Simmons, Richard Simmons, Paul Stanley, Stanley Eisen, Richard Nixon, Patricia Nixon, Jane Wilson, Mickey Wilson, Linda Sebastian, Lolly Sebastian, Stanley Sebastian, Ruth Sebastian, Holly Hughes, Nora Ogaz, Shawna Middaugh, Bob Maxey, Steve Harris, Lane Wrecker, Donald Douglas, Doug Shinsato, Doug Ike, Sharon Austin, and of course, Penelope Cruise. These people and more can all benefit from my book on life extension. Living long is what it is all about. With my technologies and techniques, a lifespan of a hundred and fifty years is even possible.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Binge Eating Breaker Formula

For those of you on a diet, here is the best formula for stopping a binge eating attack: Get a small handful of cereal and put it in your mouth. It should be about a mouthful. Hold the cereal there as long as you can and swish your tongue through the wad. After you have held the cereal in your mouth and chewed it up and swallowed it, Get a large glass of water (16oz, a large tumbler) and drink it. Fallow this buy chewing gum for as long as the gum will last. At the end of chewing the gum, you will discover that your impulse to eat a pint of chocolate ice cream is now gone and you solved the whole problem with about fifty calories of intake. These are the techniques and technologies that I describe in my book. For weight loss and longevity, their is no better book on the market. Buy it today.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Friday, September 26, 2008

Best Anti-Aging Book Available

The best anti-aging book can be found at

Dieting Success And The Bimodal Mind

What makes for a successful dieter? Only three percent, three in a hundred, ever lose weight and keep it off after starting a diet. There is clearly a reason these people succeed where everyone else is failing! The answer is in our bimodal mind. The two halves of our brain function similarly, though in many ways, very differently. The left half of our brain has language and can understand negatives. The right side has only symbolic language and cannot understand any negatives. In fact, it functions only on positives! Positive intent, I have heard though that the road to hell is paved with positive intent. So it is clearly not enough. The left brain understands math and analysis. Our right brain does not understand math and thinks in terms of global impressions versus linear analysis. So clearly there can be great conflict within ourselves when trying to determine what to do in any given situation. Eat the ice cream sundae or stay on a healthy eating pattern? Go to the movies or do your homework and get an A? Stay in a relationship or get out now while the going is good? These are the mutual opposites that we are confronted with daily. So how do we overcome these conflicting impulses? The answer is in aligning our bimodal minds. You have to buy my book to get the answer on how to do that, because I am here to sell books and help people live dramatically longer. The book is actually free though if you just add up your food expenditure savings within the first month. One month, Free Book, Thirty to Fifty years longer life! I would say buy it today! Once your brain is aligned, the dieting becomes effortless because you are no longer in a state of self conflict. You do the right things and eat the right way because no part of you is saying to do otherwise. Doesn't that sound wonderful? It is, and this is why some people succeed so effortlessly at dieting and others never succeed and only end up gaining weight after they try to diet for a few weeks. The key is a book order away....
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, September 22, 2008

How To Avoid Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in older men. It's prevalence increases by ten per cent per decade as men get older. So by age ninety, ninety percent of men have prostate cancer. Though it is a cancer, it is generally benign and most old men have it without knowing it. If it spreads though, it can be devastating and deadly. Linus Pauling got prostate cancer by age ninety and believed he had slowed it's appearance by taking massive doses of vitamin C for most of his adult life. Oddly, the vitamin C didn't slow the appearance of his prostate cancer as he came up in the middle of the curve for the formation of prostate cancer in older men. He believed massive daily doses of vitamin C extended his lifespan too, but it was actually his caloric restriction that slowed his aging and allowed him to live longer. He consciously ate half as much food as he normally would have, which is what the CR society members do daily. Linus also had sex daily as he believed that lengthened his life too. It sure made it worth living! The prostate is particularly sensitive to the accumulation of fat in its parenchymal tissues. Thus a very low fat diet is recommended to avoid prostate cancer and all other cancers as well. Fat is a co- carcinogen, though it is not a carcinogen in itself. Fat invites cancers to grow. That is the take home message. These techniques are described in my book as I show you how to live a life extension style life and avoid the diseases of aging and death by heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kidney Disease Caused By Obesity

Obesity is such a pandemic problem in our society that we fail to realize how many different diseases it causes. The top twenty five diseases of our day are caused by overweight and obese bodies. This is why I am on such a mission to eliminate excess weight from our populace. Few people know that obesity is a major cause of kidney failure. With obesity comes hypertension and fatty infiltration of our body tissues. This causes overworked and chronically failing kidneys as well as fatty liver, hernias, gall stones, prostate cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, gout, osteoarthritis, stroke, carpal tunnel syndrome, colon cancer, polycystic ovaries, asthma, congestive heart failure. Should I go on? I can. Anyway, you get the point. Obesity is the root problem for our diseases today. Our kidneys are built to last for a hundred and fifty years. Kidney disease should be rare in our society, but it is becoming more common. With all our modern medical science, you would think we would become progressively more healthy as a nation, but sadly, the opposite is currently true. We presently spend more than two trillion dollars per year on health care in the united states, but are we the healthiest nation on earth? Far from it. We are the most obese nation on earth and getting heavier! Two trillion dollars per year is enough money to send manned expeditions to Mars every three months! What a incredible age of discovery we would enjoy if we preferred space exploration to Big Macs! The diseases of aging are reversible, so you should start on my program immediately. You can live tremendously longer. Learn the simple techniques and fully explore your human lifespan potential.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Friday, September 19, 2008

How Much Should I Weigh?

This is a common, yet absolutely essential, question for optimal health. If you don't know what you should weigh, then you don't have a number to guide you for tracking and measuring your health. Most all obese people don't even have a bathroom scale and they say they won't get one. They prefer the denial plan. An average home scale is fine, but get a quality scale if you are working to become a life extensionist. They are all reasonably accurate. Every fitness champion works with a number, their weight, as the most significant measure of their health. So what is the best method for calculating your ideal weight? It is this: Take your height and give 100 pounds for your first five feet. Add five pounds for every inch above that. It's so simple! So if you are five feet, ten inches tall, your ideal weight is 150 pounds. If you are five feet, four inches tall, then your ideal weight is 120 pounds. If you are shorter than five feet, subtract five pounds for every inch that you are under five feet. Write down your ideal weight and work at getting to it or less as you eat a calorie correct diet each day. These methodologies are all described in my book. Buy it today and get on track to living at ideal weight for 150 years!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Anti-Aging Vitamins

The anti-aging vitamins are none. There is simply no such thing as an anti-aging vitamin. The hype on vitamins is from the days of deficiency diseases. The most studied deficiency was scurvy. The British Navy was powerful and yet still weakened by this nutritional disease. Once they figured out that a little lime juice prevented scurvy, they were ready for long voyages that allowed them to conquer the world. What fascinates me more is the belief in vitamins. During World War Two, the Germans were convinced that the Americans had a special substance, which was vitamin A, that allowed pilots to see at night and see even keener during the day. The enthusiasm for vitamins continued after the war and continues today. In my book, I point out that we are awash in vitamins from just eating a healthy diet. Even white refined sugar has other elements in it besides glucose. It also contains chromium and other trace elements. So even a Twinkie has some nutrition in it, though I am not recommending a Twinkies based diet. The secret to longevity is total calorie count each day and slowing your metabolism. The more you slow your metabolism, the greater the effect of longevity! That fact stirs me every day. So, don't worry about vitamins at all. You are rejecting more vitamins than you can possibly utilize each day, so your urine is getting most of the vitamins you take. Read my book. Study it's methods. Real life extension is easy and can be a part of your life. It has to be. Take vitamins though, if you feel you have to. I know many people who can not let go of that limiting belief.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

The Meaning Of Life

The meaning of life is staying alive! We accomplish this through three basic efforts. Eat, survive, and reproduce. We eat to fuel our bodies with energy so that we may move around to find more food, shelter, and reproductive partners. We survive by avoiding harm and loss that occur in front of charging Rhinos and Tigers. We reproduce to keep our genes alive and living on to the next generation. If you don't reproduce, you are no longer alive in the next generation, though some would argue you are still alive if your brothers and sisters reproduce. Food, money, and sex then are the three arenas of our lives. Money represents survival. If you win the lottery and get one hundred million dollars, you feel pretty certain you can stay alive for the next fifty years, because you would would have two million dollars a year to live on. That should be enough to buy lunch with. Jeanne Calment of France, lived to be 122 years old. Her lifespan is well documented, so we know people can live past 120. She also smoked cigarettes up until age 117. She realized smoking would shorten her life. What an epiphany after 100 years! She also loved chocolates and red wine. It would have been amazing to see how long Jeanne Calment might have lived if she had cut out the cigarettes, chocolates, and wine! She might have been the first centenarian to break the 150 year age barrier, though Thomas Parr of England, is thought to have already done it. His life was less well documented, though I would think if he was buried in Westminster Abey, they would have tried to accurately record his age. Life is wonderful. It is all we really have. To lengthen your life, shorten your meals. Ben Franklin said this as an axiom. He knew even then that gluttony was one of the seven deadly sins. Less sinning and more living. That's the answer. If anyone has a better meaning of life description, post me a comment on it. I'm sure others will have a very different perspective.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oldest Man That Ever Lived. Thomas Parr Age 152.

When I visited Westminster Abbey in England, I noticed a man's tomb within the church that mentioned he was 152 years old. Quite stunning, but certainly not impossible. Being that he was burried in 1635, you might wonder how accurate their records were. Perhaps there was some error, perhaps not. The human lifespan potential is estimated at 150 years and so far, we have one guy who has supposedly made it! Jeanne Calment, of France, lived to be 122 and no one questions the validity of her age. Some just live right and avoid the diseases of aging. We are all built to last 150 years, but the variable lies in how well you take care of yourself. I like to watch the television show "The Biggest Loser". I am still amazed they get away with calling these fat people the biggest losers. But that is what media people commonly get away with. It is almost as bad as the McDonalds slogan, "Super Size Me". I can hear the corporate fat cats still laughing at everyone dumb enough to walk up to a McDonalds counter and say "Yeah, Super Size Me!", knowing they are already obese and getting fatter. What I notice in these super obese contestants is that they show the signs of aging far sooner than someone slimmer would. A man I was focused on last night had completely gray hair, he looked like he was in his seventies, and he weighed four hundred pounds. This man is only one year older than me! I have almost no gray hair, I look like I am in my thirties, and I weigh one hundred seventy five pounds. There is quite a difference between us! So the take home message today is keep you weight low and eat right and avoid toxic habits, like smoking, drinking, and overeating. That's what my book is all about and I tell you exactly how to do it. Remember you are one hundred trillion cells strong. Treat each one of your cells like a baby and they will keep you alive for a century and a half. That knowledge alone is enough to keep me eating right every day!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, September 15, 2008

Is Alcohol An Antiseptic Or An Anesthetic?

Alcohol is all the above. It is a disinfectant, a paint thinner, an antifreeze for your car, and considered a beverage by some, who are dumb enough to drink alcohol. Alcoholic consumption causes over one hundred thousand deaths per year. Drunk driving, falls, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, and strokes are some of the modalities by which alcohol kills people. Isopropyl alcohol is also called rubbing alcohol and is used as a disinfectant. It denatures proteins, like all alcohols do and it kills bacteria by breaking down their cell walls. Methanol is a paint thinner and car antifreeze. I have a rule in life that I don't drink anything you can run your car on. This is probably good advice for everyone. Ethanol is the type of alcohol that beverages are made of. Alcohols result from the fermentation of grains, sugars, and fruits. People mostly drink alcohol for it's mind altering effects, which generally is a depressant effect much like anesthesia. In my medical studies, I learned that alcohol was the first anesthetic and surgeons used it to knock someone out so they could operate on them. Today people use it to knock themselves out to avoid the discomforts of reality. In my book, I describe the need for us to feel our feelings to truly be happy. We all must grieve our losses and anesthetizing them away only puts them off for another day when they will come out and make us feel even worse. Let your feelings out. Share them with a friend. Those who grieve well, live well.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Cancer Cure And Life Without Alcohol

As I discuss in my book, life without alcohol is wonderful! I can't imagine being an alcoholic. I have watched friends throughout the years drink booze and wonder how in the world they could have ever gotten interested in guzzling poison! Would anyone consciously choose such a behavior? Surprisingly, No! It was put upon them early in childhood and in their teenage years and the alcohol was somehow linked to associations of pleasure that stuck with them the rest of their lives. Throughout my life, I have tried to be objective about trying and especially continuing, toxic behaviors. Like with drinks, I had a martini once and I couldn't believe how ghastly it was. And people drink martinis every day? Something is missing here. What's missing is an intelligent thought. I also tried a scotch whiskey once. It burned all the way down my esophagus. I can't imagine burning your digestive tract in this manner on a daily basis. So why is alcohol still with us? Someone had an intelligent thought in the early nineteen hundreds and tried to get rid of it, but the dumb people made their own, and the laws prohibiting alcohol were rescinded. At least for one moment in history, people tried to do something intelligent and right, with prohibition. Alcohol is a carcinogen. People who drink a lot get cancer more. If we got rid of alcohol, cigarettes, and obesity, cancer would become a disease of the past. It wouldn't disappear completely, but it would no longer be our number two killer. Number two! This is certainly a great cause for concern. As long as celebrities keep drinking though, like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, the glamour of guzzling poison will continue.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

How To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a huge fear for our health. It is insidious, which means it comes on unnoticed. It is oftentimes untreatable, spelling the end and no cure. And it is surprisingly preventable. Most people think cancer just happens to them. Actually, most people bring cancer upon themselves. Our greatest cause of cancer is obesity. With ever increasing body masses, we are seeing an accompanying rise is the rates of cancer. So what can a person do to prevent themselves from getting cancer? Several things. First, study the methods in my book. Dieting is not simple and you need the right information to accomplish it successfully. With eating correctly, orthorexia, you will dramatically reduce your chances for cancer. Laboratory studies have been done that showed when mice even had the genes for cancer, their rates of cancer were reduced by ninety five percent when they were kept on a calorie correct diet. Their overfed lab mates got the cancer. Cancer is the overgrowth of cells. Cells need excess energy and the accompanying hormones that stimulate them to grow to become cancer. All of our two hundred different cell types can become cancerous. Two hundred different types of cancer. That is something to worry about! Beyond eating right and maintaining ideal body weight, you need to avoid the common carcinogens. Alcohol is the biggest one. Alcohol turns into acetaldehyde in your liver and this is the chemical they use to tan leather. Do you want your insides turned into leather? Or worse yet, alcohol denatures your proteins. Protein is what we are made of. Denaturing it is the quickest way to damage your body. I haven't had an alcoholic beverage in over twenty five years. I have only had about five in my whole lifetime. Fried food is also to be avoided. It is full of free radicals from the frying of fat and these free radicals oxidize your cellular components. We are made of one hundred trillion cells. Each one is like a little piece of jelly. Together they are strong, but think in terms of taking good care of each one of them. Cancer is preventable!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Red Wine And Life Extension

One time in downtown Denver, I found myself standing beside Keith Richards, of the Rolling Stones. He was fairly slight (skinny) and no where near as tall as me. He looked very old too, with deep wrinkles on his face and a gaunt look about his body. Then I wondered how much Red Wine this guy has probably drank in his life. I have never even had a single glass of Red Wine in my life, though I have smelled it and it whiffed of lighter fluid. That's what it smelled like to me anyway. I realize a wine connoisseur can detect the bouquet and woodiness of a wine, but frankly, we are talking about drinking poison here, so I could care less. I don't care if a wine connoisseur can detect the smell of dinosaur farts in a wine. To me, it is poison, and we could equally discuss the value of drinking gasoline or kerosene.
So with all the red wine Keith Richards has drank in his life, why doesn't he look younger? Duh, it's because red wine does not make you live longer and the lies surrounding it are there to make you drink more of this poison. Keith Richards looks really old. He is sixty four today and shows the aldehyde effects of having drank so much alcohol in his lifetime. That deep wrinkly skin wasn't always there. He actually looked pretty good when he was young. A lifetime of smoking and drinking and doing drugs has brought Keith to the wrinkly old man, at the young age of 64, that he is today. He should have read my book!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Is A Head Full Of Gray Hair A Good Thing?

An old man asked his Doctor,
"Is a head full of gray hair a good thing?"
His physician replied,
"It is if you ask someone who's bald!"

Better yet, avoid going gray and reverse the diseases of aging at
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Great Website For Generating Links

A Great Website for generating links to your website for increased ranking is: Let me know if you have any questions.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is A Glass Of Wine Good For You?

The question arises if a glass of wine per day is good for you. My answer is absolutely not! The wine and alcohol industies, just like the tobacco companies, are always looking for a way to sell you their poison. No amount of alcohol per day is good for you, not even one glass of red wine. No amount of smoking is good for you either, even though cigarette ads use to tell people that smoking made them relax and breath deeper. Cigarettes do make you breath deeper, because of the emphysema they give you. Alcohol denatures your proteins and destroys your tissues. We are made of protein. Why would you want to put a poison in your body that destroys those proteins? I saw a picture of Ken Osmond on the internet. He played Eddie Haskel on The Leave It To Beaver television show. He is 65 years old now and looks like crap. His skin is heavily wrinkled, he has age spots all over his face, and he looks like a very old man. I can guarantee you he had a problem with alcohol during his life. Jerry Mathers had a problem with weight and suffers from type two diabetes. I guess being a television star is no preventative from becoming unhealthy with age. I worked with Danny Bonaduce in a movie while I was going to UCLA. He had a problem with alcohol and drugs and he looks like he did today. When are we going to wake up as a society? Will we ever? As long as misinformation is the dominant source for our behaviors, it won't be anytime soon! Be the exception to the rule. Buy my book and apply it's technologies in your life. You can look young at sixty five and you can live to one hundred fifty, if you do it right. Jeanne Calment of France lived to 122, so we haven't got far to go to beat her record. You can control your rate of aging. Apply my techniques and see the wonderous results!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

People I Want To Thank

These are the people I want to thank: Mildred Ikeler, Alfred Ikeler, Fred Ikeler, Doug Ikeler, for having the same name as me, Tucker Burr, Ian Coster, Pat Coster, Frank Lavac, Bob Maxey,
Bruce Ward, Mimi Ward, Melony Ward, Erwin Ward, Carla Messer, Scott Blood, Linda Blood, Cindy Marx, Roy Walford, Clive McCay, Sarah Palin, Douglas Campbell, Carol Campbell, Kristin Adair, Cristina Salas, Janet Shapan, Nicolas Lyle, Michael Kiley, Roy Brown, Gary White, Lolly Sebastian, Linda Sebastian, Wendy Ward, Timothy Gowen, John Davis, Steve Davis, Vernon Starr, Steve Smith, Andrew Fagan, Tom Klinger, Richard Thoresen, Elizabeth Thoresen, Larry Toth, Steve Stoddard, Steve Henry, Marcia Henry, Heather Mortenson, Allegra Miller, Jane Harris, Susan Barrett, Robert Cunniff, Ann Beaudry, Jenny Saxton, Susan Austin, Susan Holt, Jeffrey Aldrich, Micheal Allen, Celeste Aumand, Nancy Babbitt, Lynn Bacon, Bobbie Balcom, George Baker, Lance Baker, Thomas Baldwin, Peter Barth, Dianne Bashaw, John Bascom, Kelly Burch, Ben Burch, Thea Ikeler, Cindylee Bashaw, Peggy Bashaw, Regina Batchelder, Richard Beach, Joseph Bates, Pam Bates, Martin Bemis, Debbie Benware, Micheal Blaine, Debra Brown, Joanne Burrows, Denise Bushway, Deborah Campbell, Ronald Campbell, Peggy Catani, Jane Cobb, Jane Wilson, Andrea Crabtree, David Crosby, Kevin Davey, Kevin Cross, Bonnie Dalzell, Debbie Day, Charles Dearden, Rebecca Erisman, Rebecca Anderson, Terri Fisk, Carlton Fisk, Linda Emerson, Annette Graves, Daniel Gmyrek, Howard Goss, Kimberlee Gunnerson, Jenny Strobel, Kimberly Phillips, James Healy, Diane Harris, Edward Hatch, Dana Hodgkins, Cathy Jo Hoke, Debbie Hunter, Debra Horton, John Hurd, Alan Johnson, Alanis Morrisette, Pat Benatar, Eddie Van Halen, David Lee Roth, Barbara Ives, Barbara Hold, Harry Jacobs, Douglas Jones, Doug Ike, Steven Kinson, Scott Kemp, Violet Kinney, Pamela Kmiec, Douglas Lear, David Kopacz, Pamela Lauren, Terri Lawrence, Candice Leary, Laurie Luther, John Page, Ross Patterson, Nancy Putnam, Ray Ramsey, Tammie Remick, Karen Ryan, Darby Schumacher, Wanda Strout, Dianne Weston, Kevin Wright, Douglas Young, Stan Stotz, and of course, Jerry Koerber. Feel free to drop me a line and let me know how you are doing. With many Thanks, Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Best Health Care Websites

The Best Health Care Websites are listed below. I also included the Best McCain Palin Websites
because I support them to victory!
I can't get enough of that Sarah Palin! She truly is America's Sweetheart!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Aging And Denatured Proteins

As my book is on Life Extension and the ways to avoid aging, I want to tell you about denatured proteins and aging. If you look old, you are old. If you look young, you are young, as there is a tremendous amount of variability possible in our rate of aging. A person fifty years old can look anywhere from thirty to seventy, as I have seen both wild extremes. We are aging faster in our high intake big eating society. Eating more speeds up your metabolism and increases your rate of aging. Eating less, slows your metabolism and makes you live longer. White hair, wrinkled skin, loose skin, and big bellies, give clue to the amount of protein denaturation a person has experienced. Skin becomes less flexible as it gets more cross-linking of it's proteins. Sun is the most damaging to skin as it causes rapid cross-linking. My advice is stay out of the sun. Or, wear a wide brimmed hat, sun screen, or carry an umbrella to block the sun from your face.
The agents of protein denaturation include, heat, like from the sun, alcohol, acids, heavy metals, like lithium, and other poisonous chemicals too numerous to list. I have long been an advocate of staying out of the sun, not exercising heavily, not drinking alcohol, and avoiding drugs and chemical exposure. This plan has worked well for me as I have slowed my rate of aging by half. Many people increase their rate of aging by double or more. Especially methamphetamine addicts, who look decades older while they are still chronologically young. So take charge of your health and your rate of aging. Buy my book and apply the technologies and techniques I describe to reduce your aging now. It truly can be done. I have seen it work.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Is Food Better Cooked Or Raw?

You might wonder where all this cooking came from originally. I do, especially since some health experts tout that raw food is better for you. Actually, it's not. Cooked food is better because it is more digestible. Plants have tough cellulose as their structural material and heating vegetables softens this cellulose so the nutrients inside can be released. The same goes with meat. Heat denatures the proteins in meat and makes them more easily digestible, like when an egg white turns white when it hits the frying pan. Overcooking is not good because then the nutrients are damaged, which you don't want either. So it's the sweetspot of the balance point you are trying to achieve and modest cooking to heat the food nicely is where you want to be. Learn all about eating right in my book called Life Extension. It tells of the technologies and techniques that make people live dramatically longer. You can order it online at
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is Diet Coke Bad For You?

Many questions and concerns surround Diet Coke because it is sugar free and contains an artificial sweetener called Aspartame. I remember the days decades ago when cyclamates were used to artificially sweeten food and then they were discovered to cause cancer. That left us all wondering thereafter if any artificial sweetener was safe. Surprisingly, Aspartame is! It is made from two amino acid molecules and an alcohol. Amino acids are in all protein, so it's no different than eating a piece of meat. The amount of alcohol in a can of diet coke is so little, you would get more alcohol from eating a piece of ripened fruit. Amino acids and alcohols are in a lot of things we eat and they are neutralized and detoxified readily in our digestive system and liver. So there is nothing bad about Diet Coke. It is my choice for a beverage when soda is included with a meal. For the best information about eating right, weight loss, and extending your life dramatically, purchase my book on life extension. It is available at
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Why Don't I Want To Exercise?

Does anybody like exercising? Only the people who have conditioned themselves to become addicts of exercising, the gym junkies. I can't tell you how many people fall into this trap: They get all hyped up, usually after January first of each new year, and they decide they are going to get a 24 Hour Fitness membership and exercise every day, to lose weight and look better. Good plan, but here is what commonly happens. On the first day, they go in and exercise like a maniac, and then they wake up the next day, sore, tired, and in pain. They never go back to the Balley's or which ever gym again, even though they signed a two year membership that automatically charges their credit card twenty five dollars a month. In my book, I tell you the secret of exercising, how much you need each day, and how to get the right exercise without any gym membership ever. You can purchase my book at Exercise has a place in our health. It is largely misunderstood and underutilized as a component of healthy living. Buy my book today and start living well and enjoying the exercise you do each day!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Why Don't Diets Work?

Diets don't work because people go off of them quickly, usually within a few days. The problem is change, which is interpreted by the right side of your brain as something bad. Our brain is a survival machine. Anything that alters our day to day patterns of behavior says to our brain, "This could kill me". Consistent patterns and habitual behaviors are what our brain clings to the most tenaciously. Unconsciously, (meaning to the right brain-without words) following our daily routines is the pattern of survival. It's kept you alive this long, it should keep you going another day. I talk extensively about how to alter your behavioral patterns in my book. I want to sell more books, so I can't give away the secrets for free. You can purchase my book online at Within it's pages you will learn the master techniques of dieting and weight loss and you will learn how to do it effortlessly, painlessly, and without hunger. My book has all the answers you have been looking for! Buy it today, and see how easy dieting can be!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Saturday, September 6, 2008

How To Use Your Neurophysiology To Live 150 years!

Neurophysiology is just the functioning of your brain and nerves. All of your behaviors are the result of your neurophysiology. Here's an interesting question though? Are you your behaviors, or are you above your behaviors? Let me ask you this. Can you put down a brownie? Or is it that once it is in your hands, it's all over with and you are going to eat it come hell or high water?
Okay, so you may be saying, "Oh Yes, I Can Put Down A Brownie". To that I say, "Go Try It". Few people are capable of reverse order behaviors. Those being the ability to do something the opposite of what you normally do. Like at a party. Do you always have a drink? What if you became a non-drinker? I haven't had an alcoholic beverage for over twenty five years. And it's not because of religious or moral reasons. I just think it is completely stupid to guzzle poison to try to think you are having fun. Being a non-drinker, I had the opportunity to observe drinkers, especially during veterinary medical college. My classmates would drink themselves into oblivion while I stayed sober and had the most fun dancing and sweet talking the ladies. Alcohol was clearly a depressant and my drinking classmates would sit moping at the bar as the drugging effect of beer took over them. So it's time to be something more than an unconscious stimulus response automaton and live by design, so that you can be more than your behaviors and reach up to heights of living that you never before imagined! I talk thoroughly about how to do this in my book, which you can purchase at It's the greatest book in the world and it is on it's way to becoming a million seller! Live, Love, Learn, and Leave a Legacy! It also tells you how you can explore your human lifespan potential and live up to 150 years. Jeanne Calment of France already made it to 122. If she can do that well, you certainly can do twenty three percent better and make it to 150. I'll see you in 2108!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Orthorexia, A Disease Or A Misdiagnosis?

Orthorexia means "correct appetite", so how can it be a disease? I personally think this is a misdiagnostic label for what is actually anorexia, which means "no appetite". Physicians like to coin new terms for diagnosis just like psychologists like to create new labels for neurotic behavior in people. It's good for business! And it makes their textbooks thicker!
What happens in orthorexia is the person becomes obsessive-compulsive about eating only healthy foods to the point where they are anorexic and not eating enough, just like a true anorexic does. Honestly, you can't go wrong eating healthy food, but you do need to eat enough of it. Calorie count is critical because too much caloric restriction even with optimal nutrition is deleterious and resembles the self consumptive effects of starvation.
In my book, I teach you at length how to eat the right mount of food each day. This is how to achieve life extension! Making healthy choices for what you eat is a good idea too, though food is surprisingly generalized and you get nutrients from everything you eat, even twinkies and brownies. So don't let the latest hype fool you into not eating right. The orthorexics are really anorexics and have no resemblance to people who eat right and exercise and stay fit and trim.
A lot of great health is to be had in our lifetimes. Buy my book and get on the band wagon of the new generation of centenarians working to live 150 years and beyond!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Friday, September 5, 2008

Life And Santa Claus

The Four Stages of Our Lives Can Be Described In Terms of Santa Claus:
1. In the first stage of life, you believe in Santa Claus.
2. In the second stage of life, you don't believe in Santa Claus.
3. In the third stage of life, you are Santa Claus and
4. In the fourth stage of life, you look like Santa Claus.

Share some laughter with a friend and avoid looking like Santa Claus, go to

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cats, Cats, Cats!

The oldest cat ever has lived 37 years and is still going. In my veterinary career, I saw a cat 29 years old and one 26, and several that made it past 20 to 21, 22, and 23 years old. The 26 year old cat had an abscess under his chin. He was so old and stiff, I didn't want to risk killing him with even a whisper of anesthesia. So I lanced the abscess without any anesthesia and treated him wide awake. He only flinched a little at the lancing, but he did not act to be in much pain. The 29 year old cat was at Wilshire Animal Hospital in California while I was a prevet student working there and we ended up having to put him to sleep. Why do some cats live so long and yet most die at around age fifteen? The answer is cats mostly die of kidney failure and cancer. Cats are a desert animal and so they concentrate their urine and stress their kidneys their whole lives. If their kidneys are stronger, then cancer is the next major disease that takes them. Cats get lymphoma and lymphosarcoma the most. Apparantly their lymphatic system is prone to developing tumors. It is the white blood cells, lymphocytes, that aggregate to form tumors. I have always thought it to be strange that white blood cells would ball up together to form a self-destructive tumor, but that is one of the mysteries of physiology. If kidneys and cancer don't kill a cat, then it can live past twenty and maybe even past thirty. Lifespan potential is an interesting question for all species. The human lifespan potential is extrapolated to be 150 to 180 years. In time, gene therapies may be able to extend our lives over two hundred years. You are still going to have to take care of yourself though, so don't plan on smoking, drinking, and overeating at party level, or you are not going to make it long. In my book, I show how we can slow our metabolism and live dramatically longer. I also tell of the effective techniques for stopping smoking, ending drinking, and eating the right amount of food each day. It's actually a lot easier than you think. I love life and being alive is all you really have during your time here on earth. So I say let's eat right and live productive lives that contribute great things to society, so that we can leave a legacy that will inspire generations to come.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Hearing Aid Humor

Dad was so proud last week. He got a new hearing aid. We had been telling him he needed one for years. We got tired of repeating everything and hearing the television blaring even from outside the house.
He went to his Doctor and told him he needed the best hearing aid they had. He was assured this hearing aid was the top of the line, as it cost four thousand dollars. I asked him, What kind
is it?"
He said, "Twelve Thirty".

Share some laughter with a friend and live longer

Fasting Is A Cure For Cancer

The art of fasting is almost unknown in our modern society. It use to be common among the ancients for cleansing, spirituality, and health. Now, no one even skips a meal or eats less. There is a unique function in fasting though, it kills cancer. When you eat less, as I describe in my book, your macrophages and other immune cells stop filling up on serum globular fat and they go looking for bacteria and senescent and irregular cells to feed on. Cancer cells stand out as irregular and they are no match for our giant macrophages, which literally means "Big Eater". Each of us generates a few cancer cells each year. The outcome of those cells in your body depends on your general health. If your immune system is healthy, you cure yourself of cancer. If you are unhealthy, your cancer cures you, of life. When I was a young man, I learned from the first veterinarian I worked for that about ten percent of all cancers "spontaneously remit", that means they cure themselves. What then is the mechanism of this cure? It's your immune system! Quack cures for cancer surround the phenomenon of spontaneous remission. Somebody eats ground up peach pits and gets over their cancer and they think the peach pits cured them. It was actually their immune system. Eating fat makes you fat and it also interferes with healthy immune function. I recommend an ultralow fat diet of less than ten percent of calories in your diet coming from fat. Fantastic cures and health already wait within us. Buy my book and learn of the amazing capacity of your body and it's potential to keep you here for one hundred and fifty years!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Emptiness and Hunger

Ours is a culture of emptiness. We want More, or the Next thing, or to be There, to be happy. Add up the capital letters, and you have the acronym MNT, or Empty for short. How did we become so empty? Free market societies want you to buy more. Buy it, buy it, buy it. Shop 'til you drop. Who ever came up with these directives? As I say in my book, if you don't have a plan for your life, someone else does. And it is the merchandising markets that have your life planned out for you. Who do you think came up with "Super Size Me"? You got it. Marketing executives. Why? Because they want you to eat more and more McDonald's food so they will be happy. They get happy while you get fat. Are fat people happier? I have not seen this to be the case. So more of something doesn't make you happy.
Next is Next. The merchandisers want you to buy the Next great thing, or eat the next brownie, or get the next bigger super double big tub of popcorn. Next taunts you into thinking you are only one step away from happiness, but you have to get the next thing to eat to get there. Next is just part of the grand delusion. Happiness is found right here, right now. You are already happy, you just don't realise it. The next thing or mouthful of food isn't going to make you any happier.
There is where they tell you you will be happy. Like at Disneyland or Disney world. Or McDonald's. Why do you think they are called Happy Meals at McDonald's? Comfort food conditioning at an early age. That way, when you grow up, you automatically know you need to get there to McDonald's to be happy. There is never a happiness destination. Happiness again is here and now. The Cosmic joke is that something outside yourself is going to make you happy. In reality, you already are happy and just need to feel it. Isn't that amazing?
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Getting Rid Of Gray Hair: Slow Your Metabolism

One of the fastest ways to look older is to grow out a full head of gray hair. No one does this by conscious choice, but they do it by unconscious choice daily. Rapid metabolism speeds up your cellular clock cycles and run out the melanogentic timers in each of your hair follicles. People who are obese go gray faster. It appears after the age of thirty, sometimes sooner, but how fast you are running metabolically determines how fast you reach the graying point. Your rate of graying increases but ten to fifteen percent per decade after the age of thirty. You can slow this rate to five percent or less if you apply the methods in my book. My book on life extension is about how to slow your metabolism to extend your life dramatically. We are made of one hunded trillion cells and we need to think in terms of those cells and their lives if we want them to keep us alive longer.
An overweight person has a resting metabolism that runs twice as fast as an ideal weight person. Fat People think they have a slow metabolsim. In reality, they have a fast metabolism. They use twice as many calories to perform the same task too, like walking a mile. I have compared many people the same age as me and I have seen that by fifty, most are completely gray. I have very little gray hair and plan on keeping it that way. Also, gray is a color, grey is a last name. Skin goes white for the same reason hair goes gray. Old people have run out their melanocytes and they no longer produce pigment for the skin cells. Barack Obama noticed he is going gray rapidly from the stresses of the campaign trail. I'm sure it has speeded up his metabolism. Buy my book, apply the easy techniques within it, and you won't go gray. At least not for a long, long, time. Happy Trails!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, September 1, 2008

Intelligence and Extelligence

From my decades of work with animals, I agree they are intelligent. Their intelligence though, is quite different from ours. Cats and Dogs solve problems, but only in the context that serves their needs. They don't solve problems in theoretical physics, because those issues never come up in a pet's life. In our SETI searches, what we are looking for is currently other radio astronomers. For all of deep space search, we are only looking for one thing, signals in the bands of electromagnetic waves. Light, in visible, radio, and ultraviolet and higher forms is all we are going after to discover other intelligences. What are the odds then of finding extraterrestrial intelligent life? The answer to that question is zero. What we are looking for is creatures that posess both intelligence and extelligence. We are looking for the external transmission of their communications and ideas. Much the same as we transmit our thoughts, ideas, and culture out into space via radio and television electromagnetic waves.
Why hasn't some at least tiny detection of extraterrestrials been made yet? The answer is difficult, but you have to look at the odds. There may be approximately one trillion planets or moons capable of supporting some form of life in our galaxy. Out of those, how many have optimal conditions for large multicellular life to evolve? Probably few. My estimate is one in a billion. That takes us down to one thousand earth-like planets that has water, sun, and an agreeable climate for life to evolve in. Remember too, that even on a perfect planet for life, like earth, life only evolved as far as Algea after four billion years of uninhibited evolution. Four billion years to generate Algea? Not very thrilling results, if you ask me. The Drake Equation, from Frank Drake at Cornell, further asks what are the odds of intelligence evolving on a life filled planet. On the earth, only one species in a billion, us, has evolved a technical civilization that transmits extelligent signals. One in a billion! Again, not much help from the other billion minus one species on our planet. I read a story that Carl Sagan once got a four day Very Large Array time slot to listen for aliens in the Andromeda Galaxy. He figured if you could take in all the signals from an entire galaxy of half a trillion stars, your odds of picking up extraterrestrials should be good. The results of his experiment were that he detected nothing. Not a hint. Not a whisper of some other life form using radio or television to transmit it's intelligent signals. I heard he was depressed for weeks after as this experiment shattered his beliefs about life being fairly common throughout the universe.
My experience is that even human intelligence is very rare. Only one in a hundred people on earth even goes to college. Two thirds of humanity lives on less than two dollars a day. It's not a lack of information either. Knowledge is out there for anyone for the price of a modest book. It is a lack of intelligence, that ony a few people have, that limits how much mankind can accomplish.
My book has appeal for about one in ten thousand people. One in a hundred will buy it after they hear about it. Only one in a hundred of the purchasers of my book will actually apply the techniques to their lives and achieve real life extension. One in ten thousand, pretty grim results, but that is the fact and I can't change it. One hundred people in a million will be helped by my technologies. I look at the bright side though and see the tremendous rewards those one hundred people will get as they learn my skills and become Life Extensionists! And as far as intelligent and extelligent civilizations go, I think we are about it for now. The other limiting factor is not only the vastness of space, but the vastness of time. Even if extelligent civilizations evolve and last for millions of years, they are gone in a flicker of time that spans billions of years in our universe. It is estimated mankind will endure for approximately seven million years, very much like other long lived species, but seven million years is a blink of light in the universe's fifteen billion years of existence. I wish I had better news for you on this subject, but keep in mind, a lot of great living is here for us now, so make everyday a masterpiece and squeeze out all the living you can in the one hundred and fifty year lifespan potential you have been given! Live the Dream!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tests Of Aging

There are tests of aging you can do at home to see where you are in relative terms on the aging scale. The first is subjective. How old do you look? People guess me at around thirty five. I get compliments almost daily that I don't even look old enough to be a Doctor. That's a nice compliment , considering I am fifty. Being slim and trim makes a difference too. Obesity comes with age, if you let it, obesity is not inevitable, quite the contrary, you can maintan ideal weight for more than a century. It's your choice! Second, is a balance test. Stand on the foot opposite to your handedness. If you are right handed stand on your left foot. Now time how long you can balance like that on one foot With Your Eyes Closed! Old people fall over in a few seconds, young people can balance like this for thirty seconds or longer. I can go thirty seconds to a minute easily. If you topple in ten seconds, you're getting old. The Third Test is skin elasticity. Pinch the skin on the back of your hand, with your other hand, for ten seconds, let the skin go and see how long it takes for the pinched skin to go completely flat. More than one second and you are getting old. Youthful skin bounces back in half a second. A fourth test of aging is how much gray hair you have. If you have a full head of gray hair, you are getting old. I have surprisingly little gray hair and I compare my brother and my cousin to me as they are both within a year of my age and they are both completely gray now. I have even met people younger than me who have more gray hair than I do. The Fifth test is the ruler drop test. Take a ruler and have someone hold it above your thumb and index finger and see how many inches it takes for you to catch it. Reaction times slow with age, so compare your results with some young peoples. If you are catching it past the twelve inch mark, you are getting old. The thesis of my book is we have tremendous control over our rate of aging and the deleterious effects it brings. We can slow our rate of aging dramatically and avoid the losses aging can bring. Start today and live a lot longer and healthier! You'll love every minute of it!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Stop Aging

You may ask the question, at some point in your life, "How do I stop aging?" Then again, you may not and you might be content to age as fast as you are today and never think another thought about it. Most people never learn that you can actually control your rate of aging. Here's how: By knowing the correct amount of calories to eat each day, you can slow your rate of aging by ten, twenty, forty, or even sixty percent! Isn't that amazing! These effects were first quantified by Dr. Clive McCay of Cornell University, who was quite controversial in his approach and unabashed in his promotion of his theories. He new it worked. He had the data. He did the animal studies. He thought the world would drop to it's knees and hail him as a god for bringing this technology to society. Clive overlooked one thing though: Most people can't even put down a brownie, let alone count and control the number of calories they eat each day. A few of us can though, and I have discovered it is really just a skill, and like all skills, anyone can learn to do it. For me this is the advantage. Clive didn't know about change technologies. He just thought if he told people loud enough and long enough to eat right, they would finally get it. They don't.
Within a change has to be the knowledge of how to achieve that change and that is what my book is all about. Buy it today and get started. Wouldn't you like to slow your rate of aging by fifty or sixty percent? If not, ask yourself why not? Maybe something else is bothering you. I cover that in my book too. If you read and apply the technologies I describe in my book, you can't go wrong. I guarantee it!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cat Stories and Blind Cannibals

My favorite animal is cats. During my twenty two years of veterinary practice, so far, I have spent sixteen of those years just seeing cats. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? It is. Except maybe for someone who doesn't like cats. If you don't like cats, then you don't know them very well or there is something terribly wrong with you. I have seen the biggest of toughest men turn into marshmellows when they are with their kitty. I have seen the deepest of sobs when a feline friend is lost too. We love our cats. They become the best of friends and the most loyal companions in our lives. It's the unconditional love we get from them that is so wonderful too. I have never had a cat criticize me about anything. My clothes, my hair that day, nothing is ever wrong with you for your kitty. Happiness can be learned from a cat too. My cat Bunny sits on the furniture the same way a person does, on his back, with his legs pointing forward. He is such a character and full of happiness. He lounges around looking as happy as happy can be. No cares, no worries, just living in the moment and loving life. We could all learn a great deal about happiness from our animals. I have had the priviledge of seeing animals from a unique vantage point. As a veterinarian and physician, I studied both animals and people at the medical level. Guess what? They are exactly the same! Animals are our distant cousins and we are closely related. Knowing this upsets me though because I see the harm and abuse we pour on animals everyday. Clients often asked me if declawing a cat was cruel. I answered yes and added that most everything we do to animals is cruel. Spaying and neutering is cruel too. How would you like your reproductive organs removed? Or how would you like to be eaten for lunch? This is what we do to animals everyday, and on a scale that makes the holocaust of World War Two seem to be happening every few minutes for them. I read the book The Naked Ape when I was in high school. It gave a fascinating perspective on us as relatives to the apes. We are their relatives and now I think we should see ourselves in another description. I would call us Blind Cannibals. We eat our relatives and we don't even see that this is wrong. A few do and they are called vegetarians. The new breed of veterinarians are vegetarian veterinarians. When I entered the veterinary industry some thirty years ago the issue was wether or not veterinarians should hunt. Time moves us forward in our comcerns. At least the vegetarian veterinarians are leading the forefront in this new paradigm in thinking.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

9 Lives

Do cats really have nine lives? Well no, they only have one. The nine lives idea is an old wives tale that relates to the hardiness of the feline species. Cats are tough. In veterinary college, the axiom for a cat's bones healing was that if you could get the two ends of the broken bone into the same room, the bone would heal. That's amazing healing! It was true too. The bone repairs I did on cats all worked out well. Dogs were a different story. They could suffer from a non-union, which is a real problem when trying to fix a fracture. If the two ends of a broken bone won't heal together, you have a useless limb on your hands. More complex procedures then come into play, like compression bone plating. This procedure puts a metal plate along side the bone that crosses the fracture and literally compresses the bone together so the two ends will heal. It was fascinating to watch the speed of recovery from this type of surgery. I remember a golden retriever that we fixed a broken tibia on who walked out of the hospital two days later on that broken leg. I was impressed. Cats get fractures of all types. I saw jaw fractures, mostly of the mandibular symphysis, leg fractures, pelvic fractures, and fractures of any bone they had. Most were repairable. Some were not. A particular cat had a fracture of it's pelvis and was abandoned at our Cat Hospital by the owner because they didn't want to pay the cost of the repairs. One of our technicians, Hope Reilly, adopted this cat and named him Lucky. It was Hope's husband, Mike Reilly, who named him Lucky because he was "Lucky To Be Alive". My years of feline specialty practice was exceptionally rewarding and even though cats don't have nine lives, they sure make the most of the one they do have.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

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More Meta Tags

I post these meta tags to drive more people to my blog site and in turn my web site. I freely admit it is unabashed self promotion! Vice, centre, kiva, softener, how to tie a tie, dairy, evden, dimond, instantloansnofaxing, rivalry, mailboxes, nieuw, official, data, caverat, chains,, dominican, monta, mortician, satan, lucifer, juan, Up! eikel, reviews, regresso, Tau-tau, card, hedges, metallica, youths, KISS, bondage, Beatles, the WHO, impotency, fimbriata, ernie, bird, statistik, voetbalvronwen, away, teens, Gods, GOD, CPP, toyo, Japan, Gold, Lyrik, Lasik, CARS, dogs, puppy, hands-free, jessie, Indirimleri, me..., howto, navy, army, air force, NASA, Apollo, Galleon, free porn, manco, diode, filters, does, Beverly, Canada, Maple, nudes, dudes, SAMSUNG, Corp., JIM, IBM, hiatal, Georges, ihopeyoulikedit, abuse, emu, Mike, shortage, Kicks, Paris, pluginhybrids, daiki, corason, Aniston, condominium, vacuum, ?????, funai, fungus, amoeba, germ, microbe, lifeonmars, alien, ET, bus, Brad Pitt, Affelay, customized, Sydney, 74, 69, 76, 1776, 007, unitlink, 2, dealing, tales, nose, mnemonics, tires, adana, transmitter, transmision, engine, hybrid electric, math, I?, zeny, Zelly, Zelunopia, Xylophone, lonely, mil, LSD, themeaningoflife, Gattuso, USO, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, tobo, tuba, sexy, bell, D&G, R&D, Kaarten, Manila, hermione, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, Billions and Billions, Bill Gates, chart, sockets, medication, pills, drugs, life extension, BOTS, web spiders, secrets, CIA, haier, isolation, Angelina Jolie, divorce, run, jump, Van Halen, Jupiter, Moon, free sex, helicopter, airplane, FBI, Police, Rock and Roll, Boeing, MicroSoft, Washington, motorcycle, dictionary, encyclopedia, maps, mapquest, living large, Obama, Clinton, Boston, rabbits, kittens, New York Times Best Sellers List, and last but not least, Kittens. They are always so adorable.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Education Reform

Sarah Palin is truly the best choice John McCain could have made for a presidential running mate. The thing I like best about her is that for once, she is something other than another lying lawyer, who carries on lawyer politics in washington as usual. Sarah Palin is a journalist and has a television on air background that makes her comfortable in the media. She fights for justice in the right way, which is by exposing corruption and illegal acts, something the lying lawyers usually cover up, and she makes the law what it should be, the guidelines for good behavior in our society. I admit that I too had never heard of Sarah Palin before, after all, Alaska is a little remote from the rest of our country, but everything I learn about her makes me like her more.
With Barack Obama too, he has very little experience in leadership, and if he is going to do so much good in washington, why hasn't he done all that good already? He is already in Washington, as a senator, just like Hillary Clinton. What have these two lying layers been doing for the past years? Not much, is the answer. My personal opionion is that lawyers are the scum of the earth. They have this reputation for good reason. They earned it! So I applaude John McCains choice for Vice President, and I'm thrilled to have Sarah Palin on the ticket! The education reform they will bring to Washington is that right means right and not some new lie like Bill Clinton dished out at every turn, justifying his lies by asking, "What is your definition of is?", nice Lie Bill, but that's right, you're a lawyer. The real education reform I am looking for is the day the public learns of my life extension technologies. That we can live for 150 years and that the diseases of our day are just diseases of lifestyle, which are easily changed. This would be true education reform. My goal is for everyone to have a copy of my book in their hands, so they have the knowledge to live a long, healthy, and prosperous life. My best wishes go out to you.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Super Models Make Good Role Models

If there is a living example of the benefits of the CRON diet, it is the super models. From Brooke shields to Kathy Ireland, these are people who chose to live a calorie restricted lifestyle and reap the benefits. What amazes me is how they look exactly the same after twenty to thirty years, when other people turn grey, get fat, and look like different people after the same time passes. I have had the same experience with my contemporaries. I have friends who where born in the same year as me, 1958, that look like my grand parents, with full heads of grey hair, big bellies, and obvious signs of disease. If they had chosen a different path, the path of calorie correct eating, they would look like they did when they where in their twenties. High school reunions are the ultimate arena for seeing the rates of aging. At the twentieth and thirtieth reunions, you could tell who was aging rapidly and who was holding on to their youth. Some friends I didn't even recognize until they started talking to me. Others, looked untouched by time, though they were very few to be found. So I guess that's why they call models "Models", because they model the behaviors the rest of us should be following. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes these past thirty years, I never would have believed it! Buy my book and get started! You too can be Super and be the example of healthiness for everyone around you!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Useful Tags for Internet Indexing

Use these tags on your web site to draw more indexing spiders to your work: JIM, amplifiers, transferuri, negers, blinds, necht, bass, fenel, Oring, beer, bolts, worker, hair, athena, Nike, risk, yemen, indian, paul, remy, roger, paydayloansnodebitcard, freemoney, grants, conan, bird, lakas, plant, lasik, tests, beam, manga, telefonu, oceanchampions, carmen, corps, masalab, curly, senin, bordura, chapman, rivarola, work, bpo, bloppers, bloopers, nervie, weer, Hottest, cats, dolphins, cherrytomatoes, guild, matusiak, beweging, monetize, samedaypaydayloans, banquet, flooding, moderation, beam, duitsland, tests, refrigerator, satisfied, hair, phulbari, innovative, avcilar, profession, applied, noise, these, carin, libido, eq2, re-engineering, service, sharp, automovel, bundesliga, lagging, load, kyut, courtyard, rocka, bushcraft, trenton, kurs, kiss, cultivo, K, photoblog, lin, agrochemicals, global warming, 8, mp5, 7, smazz, 1, asimov, home, based, lego, tang, slab, rest,and digital. These keywords keep the traffic coming! It's amazing how it works!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

People who could benefit from Life Extension

People who could benefit from Life Extension technologies and some that could have benefitted more, if only they had known, include: Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr, Issac newton, Tucker Burr, Linus Pauling, Jackie Gleason, Lucille Ball, Jack Benny, Merv Griffin, Dean Martin, George Washington, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Marilyn Monroe, Art Carney, Gerald Ford, Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Michael Faraday, Max Plank, Theodore Kalusa, Oskar Kline, Abdus Salam, Democritus, Robert Boyle, John Dalton, Edward Frankland, Ian Coster, Frank Lavac, Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford, Dorothy Crowfoot, Richard Feynman, Charles Lyell, Alfred Wegener, James Lovelock, Edwin Hubble, George Gamow, Fred Hoyle, Ilya Prigogine, George Boole, David Hilbert, Norbert Weiner, Alan Turing, Claude Shannon, Rene Thom, Benoit Mandelbrot, John Nash, Leonardo da Vinci, James Watt, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Ted Nelson, Nicola Fairhead, Qween Elizabeth, Al Gore, Tipper Gore, Jerry Koerber, Stan Stotz, Rebecca Anderson, Shawna Middaugh, Alfred Ikeler, Richard Thoresen, Tom Klinger, Ferdinand Marcos, Imelda Marcos, John The Baptist, Pope Paul, Paul MacCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon, Mildred Ikeler, Tommy Lee, Pamela Anderson, Brittney Spears, Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Ryan Starr, Emily Dickenson, Douglas Campbell, Carol Campbell, Nicholas Coster, Peggy Ann Garner, Elizabeth Taylor, Hulk Hogan, Ozzy Ozbourne, Peter Frampton, Michele Phillips, Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, Dick Clark, Bea Arthur, Paul Fixx, Barbara Eden, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, David Cassidy, Danny Bonaduce, Lydia Prono, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, Pat Boone, Debby Boone, Deborah Gibson, Ann Landers, Amelia Earhart, Howard Hughes, Holly Hughes, Alan Ladd, and Walt Disney, Neil Armstrong, Alan Sheppard, John Glenn, Molly Shannon, Dana Carvey, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Jane Curtin, Monty Hall, Durk Pearson, Sandy Shaw, Janet Shapan, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Ronald McDonald, Phyllis Diller, Red Skelton, Pat Coster, Barbara Hold, Kelly Burch, Thea Ikeler, Beniah Burch, Moon Zappa, China Phillips, Al Warner, Bjorn Borg, John McEnroe, Babe Ruth, and to keep the spiders coming to this site for full indexing, George Bush. If others should be added, leave their names in the commets section. Thank You.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Free Viral Marketing

My Thanks go out to the people who have contributed to my Free Viral Marketing and have promoted my book tremendously. The question arises about how to market a new book. The best advertising is free advertising, as it brings the greatest return on investment. For those of you who have businesses, and use a web site for it, and want increased traffic to it, you should sign up for my traffic generating link maker at Tell your friends too, as you never know who might benefit from the referral, and it truly is free. Thank you all again and share your life extension successes with me.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Monday, August 25, 2008

The New Centenarians

The new centenarians are a body of people who already expect to live beyond the century mark. This group is no different from the rest of us except that they know the human lifespan potential. They also know you have complete control over how long you live. Repeated data show we are built to last 150 to possibly even 180 years. The limiting belief is that somehow eating right is impossible. As I show in my book, it is actually very easy! Knowledge is power. For those in the know, great possibilities await. For those who don't yet know, they need to learn that the speed of learning is the only real competitive advantage in this information age.
Retained youth, slim and trim bodies, and a disease free lifestyle awaits those who are ready for the taking. My mission is to spread this knowledge to everyone. I was lucky in that I learned of this technology when I was a college student at Cornell. Not everyone gets to go to Cornell, so I guess I was priviledged in that respect. It is amazing that a little knowhow can make a difference between living half a life or a rich long full life. I guess it's the same with wealth. The rich simply know how to make more money than do the working poor. Take the opportunity now to grab the gold ring. Reach out, expand your possibilities, and live to your full human lifespan potential!
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sexy Six Pack Abs

A sexy six pack is in the abdominal muscles of all of us. If you can't see it, it's because there is a layer of fat covering up those muscles. When you eat a calorie correct diet, excess fat leaves your body for good and your natural physique shines through. We are built strong. Even our regular daily activities keep us toned and fit. Walking, lifting, bending, and any moving around uses muscle strength. You don't have to overdo it either. I found that just working at my daily job as a veterinarian for twenty two years kept me fit. I did eat right during those years too. Diet is the most powerful tool for our health. If you only eat right, that is quality foods at a calorie correct dose every day, then you will stay free from disease and illness for a century or longer. It sounds too good to be true, but it is. The problem is, we have so few examples of healthy living people, that they usually stand out as oddities. Our "standards" of health actually run in the diseased zones of overweight and obesity. Morbid Obesity is becoming more common and it is recognized as a state of disease. The truth is, all stages of overweight and obesity are states of disease. The medical standards have simply been relaxed. Just like the size of airplane seats which have been widened recently to accomodate generally fatter passengers. Think of the fuel savings for aircraft if everyone weighed forty pounds less! That would save eight thousand pounds on every average flight of two hundred passengers in a plane. That is how much the jet fuel weighs for an average flight!
We need to rise up to meet new standards of healthiness in America. Those standards use to be there. The have disappeared in the face of super sized meals and greater tolerance of obesity.
I look forward to the days when this all changes.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Save A Life

Save a life. It could be your own! So many people die so young these days. The problem is our level of expectation is too low. We think a person dying at fifty eight or sixty five is within the realm of normal. In fact, that's less than half a life! A story was on the news tonight about one of their producers dying at age 53. Leroy Sievers had colon cancer and went fast because of it. There was no mention of his obesity though and no one spoke of how he could have prevented this cancer by eating right and staying at or below his ideal weight. Colon cancer is common in obese people and it occurs frequently with a high fat diet. There was no mention of that fact on the news.
Unfortunately, we live in a misinformation age. What we know is probably something between wrong and inadequate. Common sense is just the tidal flow of misinformation. I did once hear Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes say that a famous newsman died because he smoked, and it was stupid to smoke and his life was lost needlessly. He was talking about Harry Reasoner. Peter Jennings also died of cancer from smoking and he went fast. He resumed smoking after the 9/11 incident as his stress levels increased. He should have just dealt with the stress and kept his health. Reading my book will help you save a life. Maybe you can pass on it's wisdom to save other lives too. If you practice the methods in my book, you will be virtually cancer proof your whole life. What a wonderful place to be.
Dr. Doug Ikeler  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!